Which Azure Load Balancing Service is Suitable & for What?

In this article, we will see available load balancing services and we will also see which Load Balancing Service is suitable in Azure and for what?

Following are the list of load balancing services in azure cloud:
  1. Azure Load Balancer
  2. Azure Application Gateway
  3. Azure Front Door
  4. Azure Traffic Manager

Azure Load Balancing Services in Detail

Azure Application Gateway - this is a web traffic load balancer that can be used to separate traffic onto web applications. The web applications can reside on virtual machines or on the virtual machine scale sets or even on your on premise service. The application Gateway is an OSI layer 7 load balancer it also has support for secure sockets layer termination ,the request of the application Gateway can be secure in nature and then the requests can then go on to go back and pool resources in an encrypted fashion.

Azure Load Balancer - the load from the users is equally distributed among your resources like virtual machines. and don't want all the users to be hitting just one resource, that would not be effective. azure load balancer used to distribute the traffic from the users onto your resources.

Azure Front Door -  As more people work remotely and more corporate assets move online, many organisations are turning to Content delivery networks to accelerate the delivery of digital assets such as media content, apps, API's and websites. in fact 70% of All internet traffic today flows through CDN's that improve app performance and user experience, CDN accelerate content delivery but it does not protect your assets. Traditional CDN lack integrated security capabilities and need to safeguard against increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks like automated bots, injection attacks and application layer denial server attacks. so we need a solution that protects while ensuring fast reliable global content at global scale. Azure Front Door is the remedy, it's a secure cloud CDN service built on azure front Door combined security and CDN technology.

Azure Traffic Manager - Its based on the DNS layer and easily directs the traffic depending on the routing method that the user chose.

Scenarios to use Azure Load Balancing Services

Azure Load Balancer - If your application is not a web application that has no HTTP/HTTPS requests needed, and deployed on a regional basis irrespective of application based on internet facing then choose azure load balancer.

Azure Application Gateway - If your application is web application that has HTTP/HTTPS requests ,not required to deploy in multiple regions/global and application wants to be internet facing or if the application is web application that has HTTP/HTTPS requests and no need of internet facing :-choose application gateway.

Azure Traffic Manager - If your application is not web application that is no HTTP/HTTPS requests needed, and application wants to be internet facing and need to deploy in multiple regions/global :- choose Traffic Manager and Azure load balancer.

Azure Front Door - If your application is a web application that has HTTP/HTTPS requests , required to deploy in multiple regions/global and the application wants to be internet facing and hosting as PaaS then choose Azure Front Door.