NoSQL Database Quiz

NoSQL Database Quiz Question and Answers

The main goal of RDBMS system is to ____________.

  • Store the data multiple times
  • Normalize the data before storage

NoSQL is classified into ________ types.

  • 4
  • 3
  • 5

In NoSQL databases, data is stored in a ____________ manner.

  • Central
  • Distributed

NoSQL is a flexible database management system that provides a way to store _____________.

  • Structured Data
  • Semi-structured Data
  • Both the options

In document-based database, storage and retrieval is in the form of ___________.

  • Document
  • Key-Value Pairs

In the document-based database, documents are stored in the _________ part of the key-value store.

  • Value
  • Key

Vertical scaling is called __________.

  • Scaling out
  • Scaling up

Eventually Consistent model must not be used when there are __________.

  • Frequent Updates
  • Frequent Modifications
  • Frequent Deletions
  • All the options

_________ databases are used to store Session information, User profile, preferences, and shopping cart data.

  • Column
  • Key-Value Pair
  • Document
  • Graph

Master Slave and Sharding are examples of the _________ approach.

  • Horizontal Scaling
  • Hybrid Scaling
  • Vertical Scaling

In Master-Slave databases, all reads are performed against the ___________.

  • Master
  • Replicated Slaves

In NoSQL databases, the data can be stored ___________.

  • Only once
  • Multiple times

A consistency model used in distributed computing to achievehigh availability that informally guarantees that, if no new updates are made to a given data item, all accesses to that item will return the last updated value eventually is __________.

  • A Strong Consistency model
  • Eventually Consistent model

Consistency of CAP theorem states that all the protocols must be satisfied by the transaction. There can be half-completed transactions.

  • True
  • False

_________ deploys jobs to the software robots.

  • Developer tools
  • Process recorder
  • Robot controller

Graph-based database stores entities and the relationship between them as edges and nodes of a graph, respectively.

  • True
  • False

NoSQL entrusts upon a softer model called __________.

  • BASE
  • ACID

Which model does RDBMS adapt?

  • ACID
  • BASE

________ is used to speed up the process definition by capturing the user actions.

  • Action recorder
  • Process recorder
  • Robot controller

Cap theorem states that it is impossible for a distributed data store to simultaneously provide more than _________ out of Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance.

  • One
  • Two

MongoDB is an example of _________________.

  • Document-based Database
  • Graph Database
  • Column-based Database
  • Key-Value pair Database

_________ based databases are stored in Social Network.

  • Column
  • Graph
  • Document

Which architecture does NoSQL follow?

  • Shared Nothing (ans)
  • Shared Disk
  • Shared Memory

Distributing the database provides us an option of using cheaper servers called __________.

  • Powerful Servers
  • Commodity Servers
  • Large Servers

Find the odd one out.

  • Neo4j
  • MySQL
  • HBase
  • MongoDB

In Master-Slave databases, all writes are written to the ____________.

  • Master
  • Replicated Slaves