Azure App Service Quiz - Cloud Computing

Microsoft Azure App Service Quiz Question and Answers

Which is a serverless compute service that runs code-on-demand?

  • Functions
  • Logic apps
  • Web apps
  • API apps

What is the foundational platform on which all Microsoft Azure App Service apps rely?

  • Microsoft Azure Storage Queue
  • Linux Virtual Machine
  • Web Apps
  • Windows Virtual Machine

You want to deploy an existing app to Microsoft Azure. The app requires a microservice architecture. What should you use to host the app?

  • Service fabric
  • App service
  • Virtual machine

You are interested in viewing data from event logs and error logs in Azure. Which of the following should you use?

  • Diagnostics as a service
  • Failure history
  • Resource health
  • Mitigation

Mobile apps can build offline-ready apps with data sync. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Which of the following mobile apps can build offline-ready apps with data sync?

  • Azure active directory
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twiiter
  • All the options

You plan to use Github as the deployment source for your app, which settings must you configure for the Github source.

  • Authorization, project
  • Authorization, branch, project
  • Branch, performance test

Which type of app saves time in building complex workflows using design tools?

  • Web
  • API
  • Mobile
  • Logic

Azure App Service is PaaS or SaaS?

  • PaaS
  • SaaS
  • Both PaaS and SaaS

You are using the Azure Resource Health tool. Which status means that the service hasn't detected any events that affect the health of the resource?

  • Ready
  • Available
  • Unavailable
  • Running

You are using the Azure Resource Health tool. Which status means that the service hasn't received any information about the resource for more than 15 min?

  • Unavailable
  • Available
  • Safe
  • Unknown

You are using the Azure Resource Health tool. Which status means that the service has a loss in performance of the resource, although it is available for usage?

  • Running
  • Degraded
  • Unavailable
  • Available

API apps can integrate with the Logic Apps and Visual Studio.

  • True
  • False

You need to implement an application in Microsoft Azure that will be used to support an IoT scenario. Clients will access the application using REST. Which type of app should you implement?

  • Web
  • API
  • Logic
  • Mobile

You plan to deploy 200 apps to Microsoft Azure. The apps require 25 gigabytes (GB) of disk space, 7,500 Logic App Actions per day, and 99.95 percent uptime. What is the minimum App Service plan you can use?

  • Free
  • Basic
  • Standard
  • Premium

Your app must be running on a standard or premium tier.

  • Cannot swap the deployment slots while it is in the production slot
  • Validating web app changes is not possible in staging slot before swapping it with the production slot. (ans)
  • All the options

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