Windows PowerShell Quiz

Windows PowerShell is a powerful command-line shell and scripting language that allows you to automate tasks on your Windows computer. It is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of tasks, including managing files and folders, configuring applications, and automating administrative tasks.One of the best ways to learn PowerShell is to use a cheat sheet. A cheat sheet is a quick reference guide that lists the most commonly used PowerShell commands and their syntax. This can be a great way to get started with PowerShell and to quickly look up the syntax of a command that you need to use.

There are many different PowerShell cheat sheets available online. Some of the most popular cheat sheets include:

Windows PowerShell Quiz Question and Answers

Read-Host cmdlet is used to ___________

  • Read the host name
  • Read the user name
  • Prompt the name of the host
  • Prompt the value of the variable interactively

In the following command, "-as secured string" is used to ___________.

  • $ password=Read-host "Enter Your Password" -assecured string
  • Hide the password
  • Enter the password securely
  • Prompt for the password
  • Remove the password

When PowerShell 2.0 is updated with PowerShell 3.0, then ___________.

  • None of the options
  • PowerShell 2.0 will be replaced by PowerShell 3.0
  • PowerShell 2.0 is left on the system
  • PowerShell 2.0 cannot be updated with PowerShell 3.0

To get customized output, _________ cmdlet is used.

  • Out-host
  • Format-table
  • Write-output
  • Write-host

Shell is a _______ that is used to pass commands to the OS.

  • cmd encoder
  • cmd interpreter
  • cmd decoder
  • cmd counter

PowerShell for Ubuntu can be downloaded ____________.

  • From the Arch user Repository
  • As a Debian Package
  • As an RPM Package
  • It is available as a built-in tool

PowerShell variables are used to store _______.

  • Environmental objects only
  • Strings and Number objects
  • Strings only
  • Integers only

The default version of PowerShell in Windows 10 is __________.

  • PowerShell 2.0
  • PowerShell 3.0
  • PowerShell 4.0
  • PowerShell 5.0

Sort-Object cmdlet is used to _______.

  • Perform action on each object
  • Sort the list of objects based on the selected property
  • Filter the objects from the list
  • Display the list of objects based on the selected property

Write-host is used to _________.

  • Display messages in the PowerShell console
  • Display host data
  • Customize the output format
  • Display the output in the PowerShell console

Get-Variable cmdlet displays the list of ____________.

  • Both Pre-defined and User-defined variables
  • User-defined variables only
  • Pre-defined variables only
  • None of the options

The command to display the process name and ID of all processes is get-process ______.

  • Both Select-Object and FT can be used
  • FT Process name, ID
  • Select-Object process name, ID (ans)
  • None of the options

The open-source version of PowerShell is available from the year _______.

  • 2002
  • 2006
  • 2010
  • 2016

The PowerShell module can contain _______.

  • File with .ps extension
  • Cmdlets, providers, functions, variables that can be imported as a single unit
  • Host application
  • Session specific drivers

Error Action Preference specifies the desired behavior for ___________ in PowerShell.

  • A terminating error
  • Both terminating and non-terminating errors
  • A non-terminating error
  • None of the options

What will be the output for the following command Get-Process | Sort-Object -Property Handles | Select-Object -Last 5

  • List of 5 processes having higher handles values
  • List of all the processes
  • List of 5 processes having lower handles values
  • List of all processes sorted by "Handles"

Which is an equivalent PowerShell command for "ls"?

  • Get-item
  • Get-list
  • Get-childitem
  • None of the options

PowerShell commands are case insensitive.

  • True
  • False

What is the command to find the PowerShell version ___________.

  • $PowerShell Version
  • $PSVersion
  • $PSVersiontable
  • PSVersiontable

PowerShell commands are case sensitive.

  • True
  • False

The command(s) to display the examples of get-service is/are ____________.

  • Get-help Get-service -detailed
  • Get-help Get-service -examples
  • Get-help Get-service -full
  • All the options

The PowerShell command to view all the properties of a specific Process like "Notepad" is Get-Process notepad | Select-Object -Property *.

  • True
  • False

The open-source version of PowerShell contains a full set of commands.

  • True
  • False

How will the value of the variable "$name" be set in the following command?

  • $ name=user1 Write-host "$name" User will be prompted to key in
  • The value is already defined in the command
  • The value will be set by default
  • The value will be supplied through a script file

Integrated scripting environment is the ______ for PowerShell.

  • Host application
  • Add-on Application
  • Open-source application
  • Guest application

If $Name="User1" then the command $name.gettype() provides the information on___________

  • Value of the variable
  • Type of the variable value
  • Both the options
  • None of the options

PowerShell is a powerful tool that can be used to manage Windows computers and automate tasks. True or False

  • True
  • False

What is called a repository of PowerShell scripts and modules?

  • PowerShell Gallery
  • PowerShell ISE
  • PowerShell subreddit

PowerShell ISE is a graphical PowerShell editor. True or False

  • True
  • False

Regular practice will help you learn the language PowerShell more quickly. True or False

  • True
  • False

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