Microsoft Azure Interview Questions and Answers

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Microsoft Azure Interview Questions and Answer

What is the difference between Web Hosting, Dedicated Servers and Cloud Computing?

Web hosting refers to the service of providing storage space and access for websites. A website is hosted on a server, which is a computer or network of computers that store the files that make up a website.

Dedicated servers refer to the renting of an entire physical server from a hosting provider. This means that the user has full control over the server, including the operating system and hardware.

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources, such as storage, processing power, and memory, over the internet. Instead of having to purchase and maintain physical servers, users can access these resources on-demand from a cloud provider.

In summary:
  • Web hosting is a service for storing and accessing websites.
  • Dedicated servers are physical servers that are rented out to users.
  • Cloud computing is the delivery of computing resources over the internet.

What are the examples of cloud service providers?

Here are some popular cloud providers ruling the market in 2022.
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Google Cloud
  • IBM Cloud
  • Alibaba Cloud
  • Salesforce
  • Oracle Cloud
  • Digital Ocean

What are the use of cloud computing?

The following listed are the most common uses of cloud computing

  • Build and Deploy faster
  • Store and Backup Data
  • Recover Data
  • Data Analysis
  • Software Delivery
  • Streaming Services
  • Intelligence Tools

What are the benefits of Azure Cloud?

The following are the most important Azure cloud benefits.
  • Cost Savings
  • Data Loss Prevention
  • High Availability
  • Competitive Edge
  • Automatic Software Updates
  • Elasticity
  • Fault Tolerance
What are the top 5 cloud service providers to consider in 2023?
  1. Microsoft Azure (Azure)
  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  4. IBM Cloud
  5. Alibaba Cloud

What are the popular cloud service providers in the world?

Here are the top 15 popular cloud service providers currently ruling the tech market.
  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  2. Microsoft Azure (Azure)
  3. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  4. Alibaba Cloud
  5. Oracle Cloud
  6. IBM Cloud (Kyndryl)
  7. Tencent Cloud
  8. Salesforce
  9. VMWare
  10. SAP
  11. Rackspace Cloud
  12. Adobe
  13. OVH Cloud
  14. Digital Ocean
  15. Linode (Akamai)

What are the different job roles in cloud computing?

  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Infra Architect
  • Cloud Security Architect
  • Cloud Operations Engineer
  • Cloud DevOps Engineer
  • Cloud Data Engineer
  • Cloud Security Engineer
  • Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

What are the types of cloud migrations?

  • On-Premise to Cloud Migration
  • Cloud to Cloud Migration
  • Reverse Migration

What are the cloud migration strategies?

  • Re-hosting (Lift and Shift)
  • Re-purchasing
  • Re-platforming
  • Retaining
  • Retiring
  • Refactoring

What are the Azure Service Offering?

The following are the Azure Service offering which enables individuals and organizations to create, deploy, manage and operate cloud-based infrastructure, networking, identity, storage and applications.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
What are the Azure Management Tools?

The following are the different types of tools through which the users can manage their azure resources and apps.
  • Azure Portal
  • Azure PowerShell
  • Azure Command Line Interface
  • Azure Rest APIs

What is Azure Function?

Azure function is a serverless compute service which helps in executing code scripts and provisioning the service without even managing the infrastructure or scaling.

What is the highest administrative role in Azure AD?

Global Administrator

What are the two basic users types in Azure AD?

  • User
  • Member

What are the three main RBAC roles in Azure?

  • Owner
  • Contributor
  • Reader

What does CRP, SRP and NRP stands for in Azure?

  • CRP stands for Compute Resource Provider
  • NRP stands for Network Resource Provider
  • SRP stands for Storage Resource Provider

What are the Azure deployment models?

The following are the Azure deployment models.

  • Azure Service Management Model (ASM) - Classic Portal
  • Azure Resource Management Model (ARM) - New Portal
  • ARM is the recommended deployment model in Azure.

Which deployment models are supported in Azure?

  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud

Is there an upfront cost for Azure Subscriptions?

There is no upfront cost for Azure Subscription. You should pay only for what you use.

What is SFDC Stands for?

SFDC stands Salesforce Distributed Computing. It is the most popular and widely used cloud-based Customer relationship management (CRM) software.

What are the Azure Networking Services?

The following are the Networking Services in Azure:
  • VNET
  • Load Balancer
  • Application Gateway
  • VPN Gateway
  • Domain Name System (DNS)
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN)
  • Traffic Manager
  • Express Route
  • Network Watcher
  • Azure Firewall

What are the Azure Connectivity Services?

The following are the Connectivity Services in Azure:
  • Virtual Network (VNET)
  • Azure Bastion
  • VPN Gateway
    • VPN Gateway Connections:
      • Site-to-Site VPN
      • Multisite
      • Point-to-Site
      • Vnet-to-Vnet
  • Virtual WAN
  • Express Route
  • Domain Name System (DNS)

What are the Azure Storage and Backup Services?

  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Import/Export Service
  • Azure Backup
  • Azure Site Recovery

What are the Identity and Access Management Services?

  • Azure Active Directory
  • Azure Multi-Factor Authentication

What are the Azure Application Services?

  • Azure App Services
  • API Management
  • Notification Hubs
  • Event Hubs

What are the Azure Data and Analytics Services?

  • SQL Database
  • HDInsight
  • Azure Redis Cache
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • DocumentDB
  • Azure Search

What are the Azure Media and Content Delivery Services?

  • Azure Media Services
  • Azure CDN
  • Azure Service Bus

How the network traffic can be done in Azure?

  • Azure Load Balancer - works at Network Layer
  • Traffic Manager - works at DNS Level
  • Azure Application Gateway - works at Application Layer

Is Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines IaaS or PaaS?

Virtual Machine is an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure Cloud where user can manage and operate services on an installed operating system either windows or linux.

Examples of Azure IaaS services: Virtual Machines, Vnets and Storage

Examples of Azure PaaS services: Web Apps, Logic Apps and Azure SQL

What are the different Virtual Machine Sizes?

While created a VM in Azure you should select a right VM size based on your use case need.
  • General Purpose (Balanced CPU to Memory Ratio) best suitable for Development and Testing scenarios.
  • Compute Optimized (High CPU to Memory Ratio) best suitable for medium traffic web servers and network appliances.
  • Memory Optimized (High Memory to Core Ratio) mostly used for relational DB servers, medium to large caches, and for in-memory analytics.
  • Storage Optimized (High disk throughput and IO) generally used for servers or apllications having Big Data, SQL, and NoSQL databases.
  • GPU best suitable for heavy graphic rendering and 4K or UHD Video editing and processing or gaming.
  • High Performance Compute (Most Powerful and Fastest Processing Computers in the World) - optimal for high-throughput network interfaces (RDMA).

How to decide the cost of Azure Virtual Machine?

VM size and Configuration decides the Cost of the VM in Azure.

What are the different types of Domains Available and what are they?

There are 5 different types of domains are available
  • Top-Level Domains (TLDs)
  • Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLD)
  • Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)
  • Second-Level Domains
  • Third Level Domains
What is the use of Azure Log Analytics workspace in Azure?

An Azure Log Analytics workspace to send logs to Azure Monitor logs.

What is the tool used for Network Monitoring in Azure?

Azure Network Watcher provides tools to monitor, diagnose, view metrics, and enable or disable logs for resources in an Azure virtual network. 

What is the Use of Network Watcher?

Network Watcher is designed to monitor and repair the network health of IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) products.

What is Azure Monitoring?

Monitoring is a process of collecting the logs and metrics data and then analyzing the collected logs and metrics for tacking the defects or changes made in the programs or systems. Monitoring specific metrics helps to detect issues faster.

Areas of Monitoring Types:

  • Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Application Monitoring
  • Web Performance Monitoring
  • Log Monitoring

The following are the top 10 log monitoring tools that are widely used across global.

  • Splunk
  • ELK
  • Dynatrace
  • Sumo Logic
  • Data Dog
  • Log Point
  • Logic Monitor
  • Solar winds
  • New Relic

Private access to services hosted on the Azure platform, keeping your data on the Microsoft network

Private Link

Bring Azure services and management to any infrastructure

Azure Arc

Route incoming traffic for high performance and availability

Traffic Manager

Which Azure Service is used to Continuously build, test, release, and monitor your apps?

Visual Studio App Center

Which Azure Service is used to Simplify data protection and protect against ransomware?

Azure Backup

Deliver high availability and network performance to your applications

Load Balancer

Which Azure Service is used to Simplify on-premises database migration to the cloud?

DB Migration Service

Intelligent, serverless bot service that scales on demand

Bot Service

What Azure Service is used to Specialized services that enable organizations to accelerate time to value in applying AI to solve common scenarios?

Applied AI Services

Explore and analyze time-series data from IoT devices

Time Series Insights

How many cloud apps can be associated with one Azure AD conditional access policy?


What is the use of Azure Automation Account?

Azure Automation Account is used to schedule and automate the patching process for your Windows and Linux VMs.

Can we use Azure Automation Account to Patch Golden Images?

Yes, an Azure Automation Account can be used to automate the patching process for your Windows and Linux VMs created from golden images.

Does Automatic VM Guest Patching works for Azure virtual machine created with Golden Images?

Yes, an Azure virtual machine (VM) created with a Golden Image can be patched using an Azure Automation account. Azure Automation allows you to schedule and automate the patching of your Azure VMs, including those created from Golden Images. You can use the Update Management feature of Automation to schedule and apply updates to your VMs on a regular basis, ensuring that they are always up-to-date with the latest security patches and software updates.

Will Automatic VM Guest Patching work for Windows Images?

Yes, Automatic VM Guest Patching can work for Windows images. Azure Update Management uses Windows Update to patch Windows VMs, including those created from Golden Images. To enable Automatic VM Guest Patching for a Windows image, you will need to make sure that the Azure VM Agent is installed on the image and that the Windows Update service is configured correctly.

What are the use of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is used for a variety of purposes, including:

Data storage and backup: Cloud storage services, such as Amazon S3 and Google Drive, allow users to store and access large amounts of data remotely. This makes it easy to backup important files and access them from anywhere.

Computing power: Cloud computing services, such as Amazon EC2 and Google Compute Engine, allow users to rent virtual machines with different configurations of CPU, memory, and storage. This makes it easy to scale up or down computing resources as needed.

Software as a service (SaaS): Many software applications, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Salesforce, are now offered as cloud-based services. This allows users to access the software from any device with an internet connection.

Platform as a service (PaaS): Platform as a service allows developers to easily deploy, run, and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the underlying infrastructure.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): Infrastructure as a service provides virtualized computing resources over the internet, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking, which is used to build and manage IT infrastructure.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Using cloud computing to store and access data remotely can provide a level of business continuity and disaster recovery that may be difficult to achieve with traditional on-premises infrastructure.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Cloud computing providers offer AI and ML services that allows developers to build, train and deploy AI models at scale.