Cosmos DB Azure NoSQL Database

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed NoSQL database service for building scalable, high performance applications. To start, select the API to create a new account. The API selection cannot be changed after account creation. Select API option >> Which API best suits your workload?

Core SQL (Recommended):

Azure Cosmos DB's core, or native API for working with documents. Supports fast, flexible development with familiar SQL query language and client libraries for .NET, JavaScript, Python, and Java.

Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB:

Fully managed database service for apps written for MongoDB. Recommended if you have existing MongoDB workloads that you plan to migrate to Azure Cosmos DB.


Fully managed Cassandra database service for apps written for Apache Cassandra. Recommended if you have existing Cassandra workloads that you plan to migrate to Azure Cosmos DB.

Azure Table:

Fully managed database service for apps written for Azure Table storage. Recommended if you have existing Azure Table storage workloads that you plan to migrate to Azure Cosmos DB, but do not want to re-write your application to use the SQL API.

Gremlin (Graph):

Fully managed graph database service using the Gremlin query language, based on Apache TinkerPop project. Recommended for new workloads that need to store relationships between data.


Build new applications using PostgreSQL APIs with integrated features like JSONB, geospatial support, rich indexing, dozens of extensions, and high-performance scale-out.