How to Find Azure VM Username and Password

Managing Azure virtual machines (VMs) can be difficult, especially if you have many. One of the most important things is to keep track of is the username and password for each VM. If you forget these credentials, it can be difficult to access your Azure VMs. To overcome this kind of issue in this post, I will show you how to find Azure VM username and password by running some Azure PowerShell commands.

Steps to Find Azure VM Username:

Step 1: Login to the Azure Portal >> Access Cloud Shell >> Select the PowerShell

Step 2: Run the following command to find the Azure Virtual Machine Name

Get-AZVM -Name "azure_vm_name_here" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OSProfile
Find Azure VM Username (PowerShell)

Step to Reset Azure VM Password:

Step 1: Navigate to Azure Virtual Machine which you want to reset the Password >> Virtual Machines:Select your VM

Step 2: From the left pane navigate to Support + troubleshooting >> Select Reset Password >> Choose Mode: Reset Password

  • Now provide Azure VM Username in the Username label input box
  • Give your New Password in the Password label box
  • Confirm your New Password in the Confirm password label box
Reset Azure VM Password

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