Create Website for Free | Make Your Own Website for Free

Host a Web App or Static Website for Free

Use the Netlify Host Service to Develop and Deploy a Website or Web App with free with CI/CD integration service. Make your site live on Google now. Get started.


Step 1: Visit Netlify -

Step 2: Sign up or Log in with your GitHub Account or with any other Auth Service.

Step 3: Click on "New Site from Git" - To Create a new site

Step 4: Connect to Git provider 

Continuous Deployment Choose the Git provider where your site’s source code is hosted. When you push to Git, we run your build tool of choice on our servers and deploy the result.

Note: If you can’t see your repository then click on configure the netlify app on GitHub. Select one of these below and save All repositories Only select repositories

Step 5: Pickup a repository

Select "Branch to Deploy

Basic build settings If you’re using a static site generator or build tool, we’ll need these settings to build your site.

Build Command (Optional for Static Websites when using CDNs) Publish directory (Optional for Static Websites when using CDNs)

Click on "Deploy"

Step 6: Click on Domain Settings, Change Site Name and Verify the published website with URL.

Note: By default, your site is always accessible through a netlify subdomain based on the site name. Custom domains allow you to access your site via one or more non-netlify domain names.

Step 7: Add Custom Domain and Enable HTTPs for secure site access to users.

Step 8: Verify your site with Custom Domain URL.


How much does it cost to host a website on google?

Answer for this is there are many hosting service that provides free hosting for your websites with absolute no cost that includes the global tech google. Netlify is also one of the free hosting provider where you can host static websites or static based web applications with ease for free. You can use it for Free up to 100 GB Bandwidth.

How to host a website on internet for free?

One can easily host a static website or static web application on Netlify hosting provider for free. However, you require some coding skills to get going as it not a CMS based hosting.

Can I Intsall Wordpress on Netlify?

No, you cannot install WordPress Software on Netlify. WordPress runs on PHP based software so Netlify won't provide that hosting service.

How to Host your Full-Stack Web App for Free

Host your full-stack web application for free using the following services -

For Front-end Web Applications:

✅ Netlify

✅ Vercel

✅ GitHub Pages

✅ Google Drive -

✅ Microsoft One Drive -

For Back-end Applications:

✅ Vercel

✅ Netlify Functions

✅ Google Cloud Functions

✅ Heroku

For Database Applications:

✅ Mongo Atlas

✅ Firebase

✅ FaunaDB

Skills you should Improve or Develop in each category

✅ Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

✅ Backend: Python, Node.JS, Ruby, Java, PHP

✅ Database: MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL

✅ Cloud: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean

✅ UI/UX: Figma, Adobe XD, User Experience