50+ KQL Azure Resource Graph Query Examples

What is Azure Resource Graph?

Azure Resource Graph is a service in Azure that allows you to explore and analyze your resources at scale. It allows you to query the entire set of resources across one or many subscriptions, and provides the ability to understand and navigate the complexity of your environment. It helps you to discover and understand your resources, troubleshoot issues, and automate tasks. It provides a way to efficiently and performant query and explore resources and their properties across multiple subscriptions.

In this article, you can explore all the important Azure Resource Graph query examples in brief.

Azure Resource Graph enables full visibility into your environments by providing high performance and powerful query capability across all your resources. It also offers easy to use filtering and search tools. Using this Azure Resource Graph you can turn queries into charts and pin them to your portal dashboard to keep detailed insights in your active workflow.

With Azure Resource Graph KQL Query we can also configure and automate the KQL graph queries with Azure Logic Apps.

To run the following KQL queries use Azure Resource Graph Explorer in Azure Portal.

List the Services used by you or your comapny across all the Azure Subscriptions.

Get Total Number of Subscriptions in Tenant using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type =~ "microsoft.resources/subscriptions" 
| extend Type = type
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"Subscriptions
| extend Subscriptions = "Subscriptions"
| summarize count() by Subscriptions

Get Total Number of Resource Groups in your Tenant across all Subscriptions using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type =~ "microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups" 
| extend Type = type
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"Subscriptions"/"ResourceGroups
| extend ResourceGroups = "Resource Groups"
| summarize count() by ResourceGroups

Find the count of Azure Services used across all Subscriptions using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| distinct type
| summarize Service = "Resource Types", TotalCount=count()

Get the Count of Azure Resources used across all Subscriptions by Azure Service Type using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type != ""
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with Microsoft"."ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType

Detailed View of Azure Services used in Azure Portal with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type != ""
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Networking Services

Get the Detailed View of Azure Network Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.network" 
or type has "microsoft.cdn" or type has "Microsoft.Orbital"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Management Tools

Get the Detailed View of Azure Management Tools used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.insights" 
or type has "microsoft.recoveryservices" or type has "microsoft.advisor" 
or type has "microsoft.alertsmanagement" or type has "Microsoft.Automation" 
or type has "microsoft.hybridcompute" or type has "Microsoft.Kubernetes" 
or type has "Microsoft.AzureArcData" or type has "microsoft.visualstudio" 
or type has "microsoft.costmanagement" or type has "microsoft.resourcehealth" 
or type has "microsoft.operationalinsights" or type has "Microsoft.resourcegraph" 
or type has "microsoft.support" or type has "microsoft.policyinsights" 
or type has "microsoft.authorization" or type has "microsoft.policyinsights"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Migration Services

Get the Detailed View of Azure Migration Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.migrate" 
or type has "microsoft.datamigration"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Storage Services

Get the Detailed View of Azure Storage Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.storage" or type has "microsoft.storagesync"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Compute Infrastructure Services

Get the Detailed View of Azure Compute Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.compute" or type has "Microsoft.Batch"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Get the Count of Azure Virtual Machines by OS type

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| summarize count() by OSType=tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType)

Azure Compute Application Services

Get the Detailed View of Compute Application Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.web" 
or type has "microsoft.appconfiguration" or type has "microsoft.logic" 
or type has"microsoft.appconfiguration" or type has "microsoft.container" 
or type has "Microsoft.ContainerService" or type has "microsoft.hybridnetwork" 
or type has "Microsoft.NotificationHubs" or type has "Microsoft.ServiceFabric" 
or type has "Microsoft.AVS" or type has "Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization" 
or type has "Microsoft.AppPlatform" or type has "microsoft.desktopvirtualization"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Data Platform Services

Detailed View of Azure Data Platform Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.sql" or type has "microsoft.sqlvirtualmachine" 
or type has "microsoft.cache" or type has "microsoft.db" 
or type has "Microsoft.DocumentDb" or type has "Microsoft.DBforMySQL" 
or type has "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL" or type has "Microsoft.Synapse" 
or type has "Microsoft.DBforMariaDB"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Azure Analytics and Cognitive Services

Get the Detailed View of Azure Analytics & Cognitive Services used with Azure Service Type, Name and Resource Count using the below Azure Resource Graph Query.

| where type has "microsoft.eventgrid" or type has "microsoft.eventhub" 
or type has "microsoft.databricks" or type has "microsoft.datafactory" 
or type has "microsoft.devices" or type has "microsoft.iotcentral" 
or type has "microsoft.media" or type has "microsoft.search" 
or type has "microsoft.security" or type has "Microsoft.DataLakeStore" 
or type has "Microsoft.HDInsight" or type has "Microsoft.MachineLearningServices" 
or type has "Microsoft.StreamAnalytics" or type has "Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights" 
or type has "microsoft.cognitiveservices"
| extend Type = tostring(type)
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"ServiceName
| summarize Resource_Count=count() by ResourceType, ServiceName

Get the Count of Azure Resources by Type

Resources | where type != 'microsoft.compute/disks'
| where type != 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/extensions'
| where type !has 'microsoft.insights'
| where type != 'microsoft.operationsmanagement/solutions'
| where type != 'microsoft.compute/images'
| where type != 'microsoft.netapp/netappaccounts/capacitypools/volumes'
| extend type = case(
type =~ 'microsoft.automation/automationaccounts', 'Automation Accounts',
type =~ 'microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces', 'Log Analytics Workspaces',
type =~ 'microsoft.netapp/netappaccounts', 'NetApp Accounts',
type == 'microsoft.web/serverfarms', "App Service Plans",
type == 'microsoft.web/sites', "App Services",
type =~ "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines", "Azure Compute",
type =~ "microsoft.logic/workflows", "LogicApps",
type =~ 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults', "Key Vaults",
type =~ 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults', "Hybrid Compute",
type =~ 'microsoft.storage/storageaccounts', "Storage Accounts",
type =~ 'microsoft.compute/availabilitysets', 'Availability Sets',
type =~ 'microsoft.insights/components','Application Insights',
type =~ 'microsoft.desktopvirtualization/applicationgroups', 'WVD Application Groups',
type =~ 'microsoft.desktopvirtualization/workspaces', 'WVD Workspaces',
type =~ 'microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools', 'WVD Hostpools',
type =~ 'microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults', 'Backup Vaults',
type =~ 'microsoft.insights/webtests', 'URL Web Tests',
type =~ 'microsoft.web/connections', 'LogicApp Connectors',
type =~ 'microsoft.web/customapis','LogicApp API Connectors',
type =~ 'microsoft.managedidentity/userassignedidentities','Managed Identities',
type =~ 'microsoft.storagesync/storagesyncservices', 'Azure File Sync',
type =~ 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines', 'ARC Machines',
type has 'microsoft.network', 'Network Resources',
strcat("Not Translated: ", type))
| summarize count() by type
| where type !has "Not Translated"
| order by ['count_'] desc

KQL Query to Get All Azure Resource types

To retrieve a list of all Azure resource types, you can use the following KQL (Kusto Query Language) query:

| distinct type

This query will return all unique resource types in your Azure environment.

KQL Query to Get Count of all the Azure Resource

To retrieve the count of all Azure resources, you can use the following KQL (Kusto Query Language) query:

| count

This query will return the total number of resources in your Azure environment.

You can also group the resources by their type and get the count for each type by using the following query:

| summarize count() by type

This query will return the count of resources for each resource type in your Azure environment.

Get All Azure Resource types with all the properties in it.

resources | where type != ""

Get Count of all the Azure Resource

resources | summarize count

or resources | where type != "" | summarize ResourceCount=count() by type

Azure Networking Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.network" or type has "microsoft.cdn"

Get all the distinct Azure Networking Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.network" or type has "microsoft.cdn" | distinct type

Azure Compute - Infrastructure Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.compute"

Get all the distinct Azure Compute - Infrastructure Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.compute" | distinct type

Azure Storage Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.storage" or type has "microsoft.storagesync"

resources | where type has "microsoft.storage" or type has "microsoft.storagesync" | distinct type

Azure Data Platform

resources | where type has "microsoft.sql" or type has "microsoft.sqlvirtualmachine" or type has "microsoft.cache" or type contains  "microsoft.db"

resources | where type has "microsoft.sql" or type has "microsoft.sqlvirtualmachine" or type has "microsoft.cache" or type contains  "microsoft.db" | distinct type

Azure Compute - Application Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.web" or type has "microsoft.appconfiguration" or type has "microsoft.logic" or type has"microsoft.appconfiguration" or type has "microsoft.container"

resources | where type has "microsoft.web" or type has "microsoft.appconfiguration" or type has "microsoft.logic" or type has"microsoft.appconfiguration" or type has "microsoft.container" | distinct type

Azure Analytics & Cognitive Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.eventgrid" or type has "microsoft.eventhub" or type has "microsoft.databricks" or type has "microsoft.datafactory" or type has "microsoft.devices" or type has "microsoft.iotcentral" or type has "microsoft.media" or type has "microsoft.search" or type has "microsoft.security"

resources | where type has "microsoft.eventgrid" or type has "microsoft.eventhub" or type has "microsoft.databricks" or type has "microsoft.datafactory" or type has "microsoft.devices" or type has "microsoft.iotcentral" or type has "microsoft.media" or type has "microsoft.search" or type has "microsoft.security" | distinct type

Azure Migration Services

resources | where type has "microsoft.migrate"

resources | where type has "microsoft.migrate" | distinct type

Azure Management Tools

resources | where type has "microsoft.insights" or type has "microsoft.recoveryservices"

resources | where type has "microsoft.insights" or type has "microsoft.recoveryservices" | distinct type

List all Azure public IP addresses:

Resources | where type contains 'publicIPAddresses' and isnotempty(properties.ipAddress)

Get Azure Management Groups Information:

ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups'

Get Azure Management Groups Count:

ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups' | count

Get the Count of Azure subscriptions per management group:

| where type =~ 'microsoft.management/managementgroups'
| project mgname = name
| join kind=leftouter (resourcecontainers | where type=~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| extend  mgParent = properties.managementGroupAncestorsChain | project id, mgname = tostring(mgParent[0].name)) on mgname
| summarize count() by mgname

Get Azure Subscriptions along with Subscription Ids:

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| project SubscritionName=name, subscriptionId

resourcecontainers | where type =~ "microsoft.resources/subscriptions" | take 120 

Find Count of Subscriptions which has a same name:

resourcecontainers | where type =~ "microsoft.resources/subscriptions" | summarize count() by name

Count virtual machines by OS type:

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| summarize count() by tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType)

Get Count of Resource Groups Across Subscriptions:

| where type =~ "microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroups"
| extend Type = type
| parse Type with ResourceType"/"Subscriptions"/"ResourceGroups
| extend ResourceGroups = "Resource Groups"
| summarize count() by ResourceGroups

Find Azure Storage Account Creation Date, Time, Blob last Enabled Date & Time, Files last Enabled Date & Time

| where type =="microsoft.storage/storageaccounts"
| extend privateendpointconnect=properties.privateEndpointConnections[0].properties.privateEndpoint.id
| extend s=split(privateendpointconnect,"/")
| join kind=inner ( ResourceContainers | where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| project subscriptionId, Subscription=name) on subscriptionId
| project StorageAccountName=name, CreationTime=['properties'].creationTime,
PrivateEndpointConnection=tostring(s[-1]), Subscription,ResourceGroup=resourceGroup,
Location=location,Kind=['kind'], ApplicatioName=['tags'].ApplicationName,BusinessArea=['tags'].BusinessArea,OwnerName=['tags'].OwnerName,OwnerEmail=['tags'].OwnerEmail