Azure Kubernetes Service Mesh

What is Azure Kubernetes Service Mesh?

Azure Kubernetes Service Mesh (AKS Mesh) is a fully managed service that simplifies the deployment, management, and operations of microservices-based applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It provides a distributed and scalable infrastructure layer for managing service-to-service communication within a Kubernetes cluster. The AKS Mesh also provides a variety of features such as load balancing, traffic routing, service discovery, and security, which help to streamline the development, deployment, and management of microservices-based applications on AKS.

AKS Mesh provides features such as traffic management, security, and observability, which makes it easier for developers to manage microservices applications. Here are some of the benefits of AKS Mesh:

Simplified Service-to-Service Communication: AKS Mesh simplifies communication between microservices, making it easier to manage and secure complex microservices architectures.

Improved Observability: AKS Mesh provides detailed monitoring and tracing capabilities for microservices, which helps developers identify and fix issues quickly.

Enhanced Security: AKS Mesh provides secure service-to-service communication using mutual TLS authentication and encryption, which ensures that data is protected while in transit.

Increased Resilience: AKS Mesh provides load balancing and traffic shifting capabilities, which ensures that traffic is distributed evenly across microservices, improving application resilience.

Platform Agnostic: AKS Mesh is platform agnostic, which means that it can be used with any Kubernetes environment, regardless of the cloud provider.

In conclusion, AKS Mesh is a powerful tool for managing microservices applications, providing developers with the tools they need to manage, monitor, and secure their applications in a scalable and efficient way. With AKS Mesh, developers can focus on building innovative applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

What is Azure Service Mesh?

Azure Service Mesh is a fully managed microservices mesh platform built on top of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It allows developers to easily create, secure, and observe microservices in AKS clusters by providing features such as traffic management, service discovery, and service-to-service authentication. It also provides a consistent set of APIs and tooling that can be used across different environments, such as development, staging, and production.

Service Fabric Mesh provides a simple and easy-to-use platform for deploying and managing microservices, with built-in support for features such as service discovery, load balancing, automatic scaling, and self-healing. It also provides a consistent set of APIs and tooling that can be used across different environments, such as development, staging, and production.

What is Azure Service Fabric Mesh?

Azure Service Fabric Mesh is a fully managed service on Azure that enables enterprises or individual users to deploy and run containerized microservices and operate on demand critical applications without having to manage the infrastructure.

Azure Service Fabric Mesh is built on top of Service Fabric, which is a distributed systems platform that allows you to build and manage highly-scalable, highly-available, and low-latency applications.

  • Modernizing applications includes migrating apps to a cloud platform.
  • Running code in containers allows developers to move to the cloud platform with minimal code changes.
  • Mesh provides built-in solutions. Enterprises or individual users just need to modernize applications and they can focus on code, while Mesh takes care of platform, infrastructure and dependencies.
  • Applications are fully isolated with their own network and security policies. Service Fabric also allows users to configure their own virtual network so they can keep their existing network settings.
  • Traffic routing rules and gateway resources allow you to customize how network traffic is handled across your services, enabling production requirements like SSL termination and blue green deployments.
  • With Azure Service Fabric Mesh allows you to set auto scaling policies to dynamically scale applications to handle on demand changes.
  • Attach volumes to your containers for low latency IO or to easily send your data to external data stores like Cosmos DB.
  • Secrets management allows you to pass sensitive information like passwords, connection strings and certificates into your services easily.
  • Mesh integrates with Azure managed service identity to help manage credentials used to authenticate with other Azure services.
  • Safe rolling upgrades for new versions.
  • Ensure that your app is always on. Faulty upgrades are automatically rolled back.
  • Use familiar diagnostics tools and built-in health reporting to monitor your apps.
  • With meshes consumption based billing models only pay for the resources you deploy and leverage an elastic environment that scales based on your needs.
  • Run your business critical applications on Mesh and app management platforms built with security, compliance and reliability in mind.