Cloud Foundry Quiz

Cloud Foundry Quiz Question and Answers

Cloud Foundry is a ________ type of distributed services.

  • Platform as a service
  • Software as a Service
  • Infrastructure as a Service
  • All the options

_________________ allows cloud controller to locate instances on separate zones to boost redundancy.

  • Cloud Zones
  • Availability Space
  • Space Zones
  • Availability Zones
  • Organizations
  • Cloud Space

The location where the applications are deployed is known as ______.

  • Buildpacks
  • Spaces
  • Manifests
  • Application

_________ directs incoming traffic to the Cloud Foundry.

  • Login Server
  • Router
  • Cloud controller
  • OAuth2 server

Select the ports supported by Cloud Foundry.

  • 80
  • 4443
  • 8080
  • 80, 443, 4443
  • 43
  • 443

Which is the commercial product offered by Cloud Foundry?

  • Pivotal Web Services
  • Pivotal Web Services – E
  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry

______ stores longer-lived control data like component IP addresses and distributed locks.

  • Consul
  • NATS
  • Bulletin Board System
  • All the options

Command to login to Cloud Foundry is _____.

  • cf start
  • cf login
  • cf routes
  • cf push

With Platform as a Service, your infrastructure management responsibilities are greatly reduced.

  • True
  • False

Default space for PWS is____.

  • testing
  • development
  • production

______ is the dependancy of an external appllication.

  • Service
  • Manifests
  • Buildpacks
  • Organization

Services that are selected from the marketplace catalog are known as ______.

  • Custom built services
  • User defined services
  • Managed services
  • All the options

Which of the following command is used to deploy an application to Cloud Foundry?

  • cf push
  • cf routes
  • cf start
  • cf login

What is the domain name of PWS?


Which of the following is not a product of Cloud Foundry?

  • PWS-E
  • AWS
  • PWS
  • Pivotal CF

______ is a blob of metadata or a file containing metadata of a group of accompanying files.

  • Application
  • Buildpacks
  • Apaces
  • Manifests

Which of the following command lists all the applications within a space?

  • cf app <app_name>
  • cf log <app name>
  • cf apps
  • cf events <app-name>

Which of the following option is used to specify push timeout in seconds?

  • -v
  • -t
  • -n
  • -i

What is the option to provide the location of the manifest file?

  • -f
  • -l
  • -p
  • None of the options

What is the route that is set for the application and deployed using the command?

  • cf push spring-music
  • HTTP 400

Cloud Foundry is ____________ agnostic.

  • Development
  • Support
  • Management
  • None of the options

What is the deployment blueprint for an application?

  • Buildpack
  • Routes
  • Manifest
  • Services

CF_STAGING_TIMEOUT and CF_STARTUP_TIMEOUT commands are used to control stagging and start up.

  • True
  • False

As per 12 Factor, each component in the codebase should be an APP.

  • True
  • False

Processes should be _____________.

  • Preserved
  • Indispensable
  • Type of variable value
  • Dispensable

Select the invalid commands from below.

  • cf start
  • cf restage
  • cf stage
  • cf restart

Command that is used to deploy an application in Cloud Foundry is _____________.

  • cf push
  • cf upload
  • cf stage
  • cf start

Select the valid log manager____.

  • Logentries
  • Splunk
  • Logstash
  • Papertrail

The URL of an application is ________________.

  • Domain
  • Subdomain.domain
  • Domain.subdomain
  • Subdomain

____ restricts the availability of resources to an organization.

  • Domain
  • Routes
  • Quotas
  • Services

Manifest files have the extension as _______.

  • XML
  • ZML
  • ML
  • YML

Select the responsibilities of a Service Broker.

  • Make create/bind/ unbind/ delete calls to service nodes
  • SaaS marketplace gateway
  • Advertising service catalog
  • All the options

CCDB is____.

  • Cloud Coverage Database
  • Cloud Contributor Data Binding
  • Cloud Controller Database
  • None of the options

____ streams application logs to developers.

  • App Log Aggregator
  • Service broker
  • Metrics Collector
  • None of the options

What does PCF stand for____.

  • Pivotal Cloud Foundry
  • Private Cloud Foundry
  • Platform Cloud Foundry

Market place services are ___________.

  • User Managed
  • CF Managed

Cloud Native applications should ____________ to access local file system.

  • Not Attempt
  • Attempt

Cf push command has a primary function to ____.

  • Deploy application
  • restage the application

_______________ provides RestFul interface to domain objects.

  • Cloud Controller
  • Loggregator
  • CLI

Primarily Cloud Foundry is written in _____.

  • Go
  • Java
  • Ruby
  • All the options

What are services in Cloud Foundry?

  • Any type of add-on that can be provisioned along side your apps
  • A feature that defines how to get to an application
  • A resource restriction for spaces
  • A resource that define routes to apps

_____________ allows CF to support multiple language and development environments.

  • Buildpacks
  • Domains
  • Organizations
  • Manifests

Features of a Cloud Foundry Service are/is ____.

  • Are bound to an application
  • Shared among many applications
  • Functionality to the application
  • External to the application
  • All the options

PWS has the below default app domain as_______.

  • All the options

Under which option in App Manager can you find the URL of Cloud Controller?

  • Tools
  • Support
  • Docs
  • Status

Organization contains _________ space.

  • Multiple
  • Single
  • Not applicable

What is meant by routes in Cloud Foundry?

  • A resource that define routes to apps
  • A feature that provides users with access to a shared location for application development, deployment, and maintenance
  • A feature that defines how to get to an application
  • A resource restriction for spaces

Redis is ___________ in memory database.

  • Disposable
  • Persistent

Why should one go for Cloud Foundry? Select all the applicable options.

  • Open Source
  • Wide Growing Range of Services
  • Language Independence
  • Public or Private
  • All the options
  • None of the options

What is the purpose of –n option under cf push command?

  • To specify the number of memory units of 256M that are needed
  • To specify the number of instances on which this application should be running
  • To specify the name of the app as it appears in Cloud Foundry

What are three activities involved in deploying an application to Cloud Foundry?

  • deploy, push, upload
  • stage, start, push
  • upload, stage, start
  • push, stage, start

What are the two predefined environment-variables available to any application?


Blobstore is a repository for the large binary file that contains _____.

  • Buildpacks
  • Application code packages
  • Droplets
  • All the options

As per 12 Factor, each component in the codebase should be an APP.

  • True
  • False

What can you do if your application uses a language or framework that Cloud Foundry buildpacks do not support? Choose all the correct options.

  • Use a cloud foundry community Buildpack
  • Customize an existing Buildpack
  • Write your own Buildpack
  • All the options

______________ defines how to get to an application.

  • Route
  • Domain
  • None of the options

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