12 Years for Google+: The Rise and Fall of Google+

History of Google+: The Rise and Fall of Google+ Social Network That Never Quite Took Off

Google+ was launched on June 28, 2011, as a social network that aimed to challenge the dominance of Facebook. The network had a number of innovative features, such as circles, which allowed users to share content with different groups of people, and hangouts, which allowed users to video chat with each other.

Google+ initially saw rapid growth, with over 10 million users signing up in the first two weeks. However, the network's growth soon stalled, and it never managed to catch up to Facebook in terms of popularity.

There were a number of reasons for Google+'s failure to take off. One reason was that the network was launched too late. Facebook had already been around for several years by the time Google+ was launched, and it had already built up a large user base. Google+ was also seen as being too complex and confusing by some users.

Another reason for Google+'s failure was that it was not integrated well with other Google products. For example, users could not easily share Google+ content on other Google platforms, such as YouTube and Blogger. This made it difficult for users to get the most out of Google+.

Finally, Google+ was not marketed effectively. Google did not do a good job of promoting the network to potential users, and it did not make it easy for users to find their friends on the network.

Despite its failure to take off, Google+ did have some successes. The network's circles feature was widely praised, and it was also used by a number of businesses to connect with their customers. Google+ also played a role in the development of Google Hangouts, which is now one of the most popular video chat services.

In 2019, Google announced that it would be shutting down Google+ for consumers. The company cited low user engagement as the reason for the decision. However, Google+ for G Suite, a version of the network designed for businesses, will continue to operate.

Google+'s failure is a cautionary tale for other social networks. It shows that even a well-funded and well-designed social network can fail if it is not marketed effectively or if it does not offer something unique that users want.

Legacy of Google+

Although Google+ never achieved the same level of popularity as Facebook, it did leave a lasting legacy. The network's circles feature was widely adopted by other social networks, and it is still used by some users today. Google+ also played a role in the development of Google Hangouts, which is now one of the most popular video chat services.

In addition, Google+'s failure helped to shape the future of social media. It showed that social networks need to be more than just a place to share status updates and photos. They need to offer something unique that users want, and they need to be marketed effectively.


Google+ was a social network that had a lot of potential. However, it failed to take off due to a number of factors, including its late launch, its complexity, and its lack of integration with other Google products. Despite its failure, Google+ did leave a lasting legacy. The network's circles feature was widely adopted by other social networks, and it is still used by some users today. Google+ also played a role in the development of Google Hangouts, which is now one of the most popular video chat services.