How to find trending keywords on Bing search engine?

While Microsoft Bing search engine doesn't offer a tool exactly like Google Trends for finding trending keywords, there are other ways to identify them on Bing. Here, we'll explore some tools and techniques that can help you discover trending keywords on the Bing search engine.

How can I identify keywords that are gaining popularity in Bing searches?

There are a few ways to find trending keywords on Bing: Bing Webmaster Tools, Bing Search Suggestions, and Related Searches. Additionally, some third-party tools (both paid and free) can help identify keywords gaining popularity in Bing searches.

Bing Webmaster Tools:

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free tool from Bing allows you to enter a seed keyword and see related keywords along with their search volume trends. It also highlights newly relevant keywords and questions people are searching for.  You can filter results by country, language, and device for specific targeting  [keyword research bing webmaster tools].

Bing Search Suggestions:

As you type in Bing, the search engine will suggest related searches. These can be good indicators of trending topics.

Bing Related Searches:

After a search on Bing, look at the right-hand side of the results page. Bing offers "Related searches" that can show trending keywords related to your initial search.

Third-party Tools:

Some third-party SEO tools offer keyword research features that include Bing search volume data, even if they primarily focus on Google trends. Examples include Ahrefs and Keywords Everywhere (Chrome browser extension). Some SEO tools may require a paid subscription.