SEO Optimized On-Page SEO & Technical SEO Checklist

Use SEO Analyzers tools from rankmath, ahrefs, moz, ubersuggest to discover and to get the detailed report of in-depth SEO analysis of your website or blog. Verify all that you have done and find out the on-page, technical SEO errors or the issues on each page of your website or on your blog.

SEO tools help us to find the SEO related issues on the site and it also gives us the actionable audit logs to fix them.

Tip: If your website loads faster then eventually it will boost your page ranking on search engines.

Website Technical Audit Checklist:

1. SEO Description:  add meta description for your site page.

2. H1 Heading: add relevant search term  H1 heading tags.

3. H2 Heading and other Heading Tags: add relevant search term H2 heading tags and other H3, H4, H5 and H6 tags wherever necessary to structure the content.

4. Image ALT Attributes: all the images on your page should have an alt attribute. This is commonly used for image SEO.

5. Keywords in Page Title and Page Description: one or more relevant keywords should be used in the title and also in the meta description of your website page or blog page.

6. Link Ratio: your page should have a good number of internal and external links. This is commonly referred to as link building.

7. SEO Title: The title of your page should have a relevant search term page title and the title character should be between 50-64 characters long with no spelling errors.

Advanced Website Technical Audit Checklist:

1. Search Preview: If your site is live on engines or any other search engines then check how the site appears in search results on desktop, tablet and on mobile devices.

2. Canonical Tag: your site page should have the canonical link tag.

3. No index Meta Tag: your page should contain no index meta or header.

4. WWW Canonicalization: both www and non-www versions of your site URL should be redirected to the same site.

5. Open Graph Meta Tags: you should have open graph meta tags for social SEO.

6. Robots.txt: your website or your blog should have a robots.txt file which includes one or more Disallow: directive and to make sure to block the folder or the url that you don't want to indexed.

7. Schema Meta Data: your site page should have metadata and also a relevant metadata for your page.

SEO Checklist to Improve Site Performance:

1. Page Header Expire:  your hosted server should use the expires header for your website page images.

2. Minify CSS: all the CSS files that appear on your site should be minified.

3. Minify Javascript:  all your site Javascript files should be minified for good page experience.

4. Page Objects: check the analysis of the embedded object on your site pages. 
  • Page Object Examples: images, Javascript files, stylesheet.
5. Page Size: the size of the html document should be under 32kb for better search appearance and for better user experience.

6. Response Time: this checks how fast your hosted server responds to the requests. The responsive time should be under 0.2 seconds for a good user experience.

Site Security SEO Checklist:

1. Directory Listing: Directory listing should be disable on your server. It means the contents of the directory on your site should be disabled.

2. Secure Connections: your site content should be served over a secure connection. It means your site should have a secure transfer protocol (https).

Technical SEO Checklist for Blog Post or Pages:

  • Add Structured Major Heading, Heading, Sub Headings, Minor Headings
  • Use bulleted lists and numbered lists wherever necessary.
  • Adding Optimised Images - compress high quality images to webp format.
  • Adding alt attribute tags to images
  • Inter linking the blog posts or blog pages or labels/tags.
  • Add nofollow relation tags for other website URLs.
  • Avoid embed scripts if possible for improving the page speed.

How to learn the process of Search Engine Optimization?

Especially for blogger users they cannot install any of the plugins or extensions for configuring SEO. So, before or while creating a post on a topic you must focus on a few steps. Let's see what they are?

Install responsive and SEO ready XML template and check template site speed using the below tools

👉 Test My Site - this is a web tool where users can test mobile site speed on 3G and 4G connections.

👉 PageSpeed Insight - this tool analyses the content of a web page or web post, then generates the best required suggestions to make the web page faster.

👉 Webpagetest - one of the best tools to check the performance of the page.

👉 Mobile Friendly Test - this web tool checks whether the web page is mobile friendly or not.

What are the advantages of embedding a YouTube video?

Embedding a YouTube video allows the search engine webmaster to provide helpful information in a video format.

Top 10 Widely Used SEO Tools:

Here are the top 10 widely used SEO tools:

Google Analytics: A free web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.

Google Search Console: A free tool that helps you monitor and improve your website's search performance.

Ahrefs: A powerful SEO toolset that includes a backlink checker, keyword research, and content analysis.

SEMrush: An all-in-one SEO tool that offers keyword research, competitive analysis, and site audit capabilities.

Moz: A comprehensive SEO toolset that includes link analysis, keyword research, and site optimization tools.

Majestic: A backlink analysis tool that helps you understand the link profile of any website.

SERPstat: An all-in-one SEO platform that offers keyword research, competitor analysis, and site audit capabilities.

Yoast SEO: A popular WordPress plugin that helps you optimize your website's content for search engines.

DeepCrawl: A website crawling tool that helps you understand and optimize your website's technical SEO.

Google PageSpeed Insights: A free tool that analyzes the performance of your website on both mobile and desktop devices and provides recommendations for optimization.

Twitter Social Media Tags:

Summary Card with Large Image:

<meta content='summary_large_image' name='twitter:card'/>
<meta content='add your twitter username' name='twitter:site'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.url' name='twitter:url'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageName' name='twitter:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='twitter:description'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.postImageUrl' name='twitter:image'/>

Add Twitter SEO Social Media Meta Tags in Blogger:

<meta content="summary_large_image" name="twitter:card"></meta>
<meta content="add your twitter username here" name="twitter:site"></meta>
<b:switch var="data:blog.pageType">
<b:case value="index">
<meta expr:content="data:blog.pageTitle" name="twitter:title"></meta>
<meta expr:content="data:blog.pageName" name="twitter:title"></meta>
<b:if cond="data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;">
<meta expr:content="data:blog.metaDescription" name="twitter:description"></meta>
<meta content="add your twitter username here" name="twitter:creator"></meta>
<b:switch var="data:blog.pageType">
<b:case value="item">
<meta expr:content='data:blog.postImageUrl' name='twitter:image'/>

Add Twitter Card Tags to your Website:

In this article, we'll show you about how to add or configure and optimize tweets of title, description, image on your twitter tweet by adding twitter card tags in your HTML code.

Before getting started you should know the following concepts:

Default Card:

  • summary_large_image: It is a type of twitter card which helps you to display the large featured image of your blog or website page on twitter tweet. The featured image size should be less than 5MB and it supports the following format types JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF.
  • summary: It is a type of twitter card which helps you to display the small image featured image of your blog or website page on twitter tweet
Title: which defines the post title of your blogpost or page within 70 characters long.

Description: which defines to describe about the page or blog post within 250 characters long.

Image or Thumbnail: A URL of an optimized featured image which represent the content of the page.

How to add them in HTML Code?

Navigate to <head></head> tags of your we page and paste the following code just above </head> tag.

For Summary Card Type:

<meta content="summary" name="twitter:card">
<meta content="@_add_your_twitter_username_" name="twitter:site">
<meta content="_add_your_page_title_" name="twitter:title">
<meta content="_add_your_page_description_" name="twitter:description">
<meta content="_add_image_url_link" name="twitter:image">

For Summary Card with Large Image:

<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:site" content="_add_your_twitter_username_">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="_add_your_page_title_">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="_add_your_page_description_">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="_add_image_url_link">

To learn or to view more details please do check out the the link here: