Azure Data Factory Quiz - Cloud Computing

Azure Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that helps you to collect, transform, and move data from a variety of sources to a variety of destinations. It is a powerful tool that can be used to automate data pipelines, schedule data transfers, and create data-driven applications.

Azure Data Factory Quiz Question and Answers

Take a look at our Azure Data Factory Quiz and test your knowledge of the Azure Data Factory. This quiz is a quick and easy way to see how much you know about Azure Data Factory.

A pipeline is considered inactive if it is not associated with _______ and hasn’t been run over a week.

  • Linked service
  • Pipeline runs
  • Pipeline
  • Trigger

Which compute environment in Azure does Hive data transformation activities use?

  • HDInsight Hadoop
  • Azure data lake analytics
  • Azure SQL
  • Azure VM

_____ is a logical grouping of activities that perform a task.

  • Linked service
  • Dataset
  • Pipeline
  • Datastore

ADF enables to create pipelines that ingest data from disparate data stores. Ture/False?

  • True
  • False

Self-Hosted IR type is used for which kind of activities?

  • Data movement and activity dispatch
  • SSIS package execution
  • Data monitor
  • Data transform and enrich

Which option should you select from the ADF resource page to copy data from data stores?

  • Metrics and operation
  • Manage and monitor
  • Author and deploy
  • Copy data

_____ are used to represent data stores and compute resources that contains the connection strings.

  • Pipeline
  • Linked services
  • Dataset
  • Datastore

On-premises data stores connect to Azure resources by provisioning ________ instance in Azure.

  • SQL connection string
  • Datafactory
  • Data gateway
  • Pipeline

________ is a cloud integration service that is build for extract-load-transform (ETL), extract-transform-load (ELT), and data integration projects?

  • Azure virtual machines
  • Azure SQL database
  • Azure Batch service
  • Azure Data factory

What are the benefits of performing Lift and Shift SSIS?

  • Increase scalability
  • Increase high availability
  • Reduce operational costs
  • All of the options

Custom activity runs your customized code logic on a _______ pool of virtual machines.

  • Azure Batch
  • Azure SQL database
  • Azure VM
  • Azure Data factory

Azure Data factory is available in which section of the market place in Azure portal?

  • Enterprise integration
  • Networking
  • Compute
  • Analytics

ADF pricing is based on the volume of data moved, and activity runs. True/False?

  • True
  • False

Data movement in the data factory is enabled only in the Azure Data Factory provisioned region. True/False?

  • True
  • False

Integration runtime provides a bridge between activity and linked service.

  • True
  • False

You can parameterize the linked service by selecting the Code icon on the Connections tab and using the JSON editor.

  • True
  • False

Azure IR type is capable of running copy activity between data stores in public and private network.

  • True
  • False

Without a data factory, it is possible to build custom components for data movement and transformation.

  • True
  • False

Azure SSIS IR type is used to lift and shift SSIS only on a public network.

  • True
  • False

How to define a pipeline to not run between its start and end time?

  • isPaused: true
  • is paused: false
  • isPaused: false
  • is paused: true

What is the first step in the pipeline workflow?

  • Monitor
  • Publish
  • Connect and collect
  • Transform and enrich

What are the different ADF management tools available to manage key components?

  • Azure portal
  • .NET SDK
  • Resource manager template
  • PowerShell
  • All the options

What are different types of integration runtime in ADF?

  • Azure-SSIS
  • Azure
  • Self hosted
  • All the options

To specify a schedule to a dataset, in which section of its JSOfile, is the frequency and interval defined?

  • type
  • availability
  • typeProperties
  • scheduler

What IR type should you install while copying data from on-premise to Azure?

  • Self hosted
  • Azure SSIS
  • Azure

__________ activity allows monitoring the scheduled activities for success and failure rates.

  • Publish
  • Transform and enrich
  • Monitor
  • Connect and collect

What IR type should you install while copying data from Azure to Azure?

  • Azure SSIS
  • Azure
  • Self hosted
  • None of the options

What is the type defined for the Azure storage linked service?

  • AzureStorage
  • Azurestorage
  • azure storage
  • AzureStorageLinkedService

_________ component of ADF identifies data within different data stores, such as tables, files, folders, and documents.

  • Linked service
  • Dataset
  • Data store
  • Pipeline

For scheduling activity, in which of its JSON file, the frequency and interval are defined?

  • Scheduler
  • typeProperties
  • type
  • scheduler

What is the third step in performing copy activity between data stores?

  • Setting up properties
  • Providing performance details
  • Selecting source datastore and specifying its details
  • Selecting destination datastore and specifying its details

In which phase of the pipeline the refined data is loaded into Azure data warehouse and other stores?

  • Connect and collect
  • Transform and enrich
  • Publish
  • Monitor

In which section of the azure blob dataset JSON file, the file name is defined?

  • linkedServiceName
  • fileType
  • typeProperties
  • Properties

______ is a concept of moving your workloads to Azure cloud, deploy, and run the SSIS packages.

  • Self-hosted
  • Azure
  • Lift and shift SSIS
  • Data movement

What is the second step in performing copy activity between data stores?

  • Selecting source datastore and specifying its details
  • Selecting destination datastore and specifying its details
  • Providing performance details

To specify a schedule to a dataset, in which section of its JSON file, is the frequency and interval defined?

  • availability
  • typeProperties
  • scheduler
  • type

On which format in Azure, the key components are defined?

  • table
  • JSON
  • xml
  • .bacpac

Which field is not required to provide while creating a data factory instance in the Azure portal?

  • Subscription
  • Resource group
  • Name
  • Location

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