Azure DevOps Quiz - Cloud Computing

Azure DevOps is a suite of tools that can be used for build automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and DevOps lifecycle management. It can be used to build and deploy enterprise web apps, mobile applications, and other types of software.

Before you take the Azure DevOps quiz questions, I recommend that you check out this 👉 Azure DevOps Interview Questions. These question and answers will help you to understand the different concepts and terminology used in Azure DevOps Organization and Projects.

Azure DevOps Quiz Question and Answers

What is the azure cli command to get the description of a team?

  • az devops team show --team
  • az devops team show --team --describe
  • az team show –team --description --table
  • az team show --team --description

Which Azure DevOps feature supports planning and tracking of work across teams?

  • Azure Boards
  • Azure Repos
  • Azure Test Plans
  • Azure Artifacts

Azure DevOps services is available on-premises as?

  • Azure DevOps Server
  • Azure DevOps
  • TFS
  • VSTS

Which of the following topics are related to Azure DevOps?

  • Continuous Integration (CI)
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Continuous Testing
  • Project Management
  • All the options

A project can be built on a single platform and different versions by specifying the versions in the matrix block of the azure-pipelines.yaml file.

  • True
  • False

Queries in Azure Boards is used for which of the following?

  • Finding groups of work items that have something in common.
  • Creating status and trend charts that can be added to dashboards.
  • Listing work items to be shared with others, or for bulk updates.
  • All the options

Which of the following is not an Agile process work item?

  • Tasks
  • Bugs
  • Features
  • Issues

_______ is used to group test suites and test cases?

  • Test Grouping
  • Test Plans
  • Test Suites
  • Test Cases

Tracking work and better customization by using the on-premises XML process model is possible through Azure DevOps services.

  • True
  • False

What is the Azure CLI command to create a new pipeline named first-pipeline?

  • az pipelines create --first-pipeline
  • az create pipelines --name first-pipeline
  • az create --pipeline first-pipeline
  • az pipelines create --name first-pipeline

If you are running a CI/CD pipeline in Linux, and want to run it on Windows, in which block of the azure-pipelines.yaml file should the vmImage name be edited as Windows?

  • Trigger
  • Inputs
  • Task
  • Pool

_______ is used to group test suites and test cases in Azure DevOps?

  • Test Suites
  • Test Cases
  • Test Grouping
  • Test Plans

Which of the following is/are tools of Azure Boards?

  • Backlogs
  • Sprints
  • Work Items
  • Boards
  • All the options

Which of the following services are offered by Azure DevOps?

  • Planning and tracking work
  • Managing and building packages
  • Managing and tracking source code
  • Deploying and ensuring code quality
  • All the options

To manage and collaborate projects effectively, Azure Devops server is built on SQL server and hosted on-premise.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following is not a basic process work item?

  • Issues
  • Features
  • Tasks
  • Epics

Tracking work and better customization by using the on-premises XML process model is possible through Azure DevOps services.

  • True
  • False

Azure Devops services support SQL Server Analysis Services Integration for reporting.

  • True
  • False

Which Azure DevOps feature share packages across teams such as Maven, NPM, NuGet, and so on?

  • Azure Artifacts
  • Azure Test Plans
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Boards

Which Azure DevOps feature provides building, testing, and deploying capability to support CI/CD for applications?

  • Azure Artifacts
  • Azure Test Plans
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Boards

Azure supports which of the following processes?

  • Basic
  • Agile
  • Scrum
  • CMMI
  • All the options

The ______ work item is used to track smaller amounts of work, such as, tracking time in hours, minutes, etc.

  • User Stories
  • Issues
  • Tasks
  • Bugs

Which option should be configured to add users who will contribute to code base in a project?

  • Add to Project
  • DevOps Groups
  • Access level - Basic
  • Visibility

Work items can track features and requirements being developed, code defects, or bugs.

  • True
  • False

Which Azure DevOps feature provides manual testing tools to test applications?

  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Boards
  • Azure Artifacts
  • Azure Test Plans

The _______ work item is used to track the specific function of applications or sets of work in an Agile process.

  • Bugs
  • Issues
  • Tasks
  • Features

What is the Azure CLI command to list all team members?

  • az team list --team
  • az team list-member --team
  • az devops list--team
  • az devops team list-member --team

What is the Azure CLI command to list in table format the top 10 members of a team named Fresco?

  • az devops team list-member --team fresco --top 10
  • az devops team list-member --team fresco --top 10 --output table
  • az team list-member --team fresco --top 10 --table
  • az team list-member --team fresco --top 10 --output table

To update the state of the workflow for a basic process from not started to completed, use?

  • To do – Done
  • Active – Done
  • To do – Doing
  • New – Done

To update the state of the workflow for an Agile process from not started to completed, use?

  • Active – Closed
  • New – Resolved
  • To do – Closed
  • New – Closed

Product Management is one of the 7 DevOps practices.

  • True
  • False

____________ is the primary measure of progress according to Agile Manifesto.

  • Incremental Value
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Working Software

DevOps is the union of ___________, ____________ and _________ to enable continuous delivery of value to end users.

  • Programmers, Procedures and Products
  • People, Tools and Applications
  • People, Processes and Products
  • Programs, Poster and Punctuations

Improving the quality and performance of the applications is a major driver for switching to DevOps.

  • False
  • True

Understanding what we are deploying and how we are deploying comes under which practice of DevOps?

  • Release Management
  • Continuous Integration
  • Deployment Management
  • Configuration Management

DevOps encompasses _______________

  • Cloud Automation
  • Resistance

Which of the following is a benefit of small releases?

  • Lower Confidence
  • Faster Feedback
  • High Risk

Automation empowers frequent releases and self-service.

  • True
  • False

Which of the following can slow down your ability to deliver code effectively?

  • Technical Debt
  • Test Automation
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Enterprise Alignment

Change Fail rate is an Agility performance indicator.

  • False
  • True

What is the metric used to measure how quickly are we deploying?

  • Change lead time
  • Deployment Frequency
  • Mean time to recover
  • Mean time to deploy

____________ measures the complexity of the code and the efficiency of the development systems.

  • Change Failure Rate
  • Change Lead Time
  • Deployment Frequency
  • Mean Time to Recover

____________ enables continuous value delivery.

  • Automation
  • Continuous Integration
  • Enterprise Alignment

Minimizing conflicts when merging code should be one of your goals while performing branching.

  • False
  • True

The following are benefits of automation in DevOps, except it _________.

  • Enables Speed, Reliability and Consistency
  • Implants Manual Errors
  • Enables anyone to perform tasks

Continuous Delivery focuses on manual delivery pipeline.

  • False
  • True

___________ is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time.

  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery

_________ ensures that the code deployed to the production environment is not necessarily released to all end users.

  • Feature Flag
  • Configuration Checklist
  • Deployment Checklist

During the Continuous Integration process, unit tests are executed during the build.

  • True
  • False

Continuous Delivery encourages configuration as code.

  • True
  • False

In Manual Integration testing, Human Intelligence is waged against the application.

  • True
  • False

Treating Infrastructure as a flexible resource is a benefit of Infrastructure and Configuration as Code.

  • True
  • False

_______ testing tests components together in scenarios.

  • Unit Integration
  • Performance

It is acceptable if all the environments are not consistent in a DevOps lifecycle.

  • False
  • True

What is the automated system used for continuous integration? (Build Code, Create Packages and Run Code).

  • Build Pipeline
  • Deployment Pipeline
  • Test Pipeline
  • Automation Pipeline

DevOps is people following a ______ enabled by products to deliver value to the end users.

  • Program
  • Procedure
  • Process
  • Path

What is Jenkins used for?

  • Only for continuous integration
  • Only for continuous and deployment
  • To implement CI/CD workflows

Jenkins is a platform for creating a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) environment.

  • True
  • False

Which Azure DevOps feature offers unlimited GIT repository to control source code?

  • Azure Boards
  • Azure Artifacts
  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Repos

To create a private project to add team members only to a project, which option should be configured in the Azure DevOps services web portal?

  • Description
  • Visibility
  • Access level
  • DevOps Groups

Which Azure DevOps feature provides building testing and deploying capability?

  • Azure Pipelines
  • Azure Test Pipelines
  • Azure Repos
  • Azure Artifacts

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