Azure Storage Quiz - Cloud Computing

Q: What are client protocols employed in file share in a mounted drive in Azure

  • REST
  • SMB 2.1
  • SMB 3.0
  • All the options

Q: Azure File Share supports which of the following protocols?

  • Server Message Block (SMB) protocol
  • Network File System (NFS) protocol
  • Both SMB and NFS protocols

Q: Default drive set up for sharing files using smb 3.0 protocol?

  • C
  • D
  • F
  • Z

Q: which of the following is used in grouping a set of blobs?

  • Append Blobs
  • Block Blob
  • Page Blobs
  • Container

Q: Azure blob storage offers how many storage tiers?

  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Q: What is the maximum size for a file share in Azure?

  • 1 TB
  • 5 TB
  • 7 TB
  • 10 TB

Q: The data storage limit per storage account is _______.

  • 10 TB
  • 50 TB
  • 100 TB
  • 500 TB

Q: Which data is replicated three times within the primary region, and is also replicated three times in a secondary region hundreds of miles away from the primary region?

  • Locally redundant storage (LRS)
  • Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
  • Geo-redundant storage (GRS)
  • Read access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)

Q: Which two of the following virtual machines can support premium storage in Azure?

  • DS-Series
  • FS-Series
  • Both the options

Q: Azure CDN ________ to provide maximum throughput for securely delivering content to users.

  • Makes duplicates
  • Caches web content
  • Copies web content

Q: Apart from partitionkey and rowkey what is the system property in an entity

  • Date
  • Size
  • Time Stamp

Q: The partitionkey and rowkey uniquely identify every entity in the table.

  • True
  • False

Q: What is the size of a single message in a queue?

  • 32 Kb
  • 64 Kb
  • 128 Kb
  • 512 Kb

Q: What is the default replication schemes for a storage account?

  • Locally redundant storage (LRS)
  • Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
  • Geo-redundant storage (GRS)
  • Read access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)

Q: What is the combination of two or more disks called in Azure storage?

  • Storage space
  • Storage Pool
  • Drives
  • Storage clusters

Q: Table storage is a non-relational nosql database. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Which disks are registered as scsi disks in Azure?

  • OS Disks
  • Data Disks
  • Temporary Disks
  • All the options

Q: Cool storage and archive storage are not supported in which storage in Azure?

  • Blob Storage
  • GPv1 Storage
  • GPv2 Storage

Q: In queues messages are accessed via authenticated ________ calls.

  • SSH

Q: Which storage service has limited access through Azure Portal?

  • Blobs
  • Files
  • Table
  • Queue

Q: Maximum lifetime of message in a Queue is ___ days.

  • 7
  • 3
  • 4
  • 1

Q: Partition key and RowKey are _______ types.

  • Double
  • Int
  • String
  • Boolean

Q: In which of the following models, the database independent Storage and compute can be selected?

  • Vcore based model
  • DTU model
  • Both the options

Q: Which among the following Database tier is chosen for high-performance development and test workloads?

  • PremiumRS
  • Basic
  • Standard
  • Premium

Q: What is the full form of DTU?

  • Database Total Unit
  • Digital Transaction Unit
  • Database Transaction Units
  • None of the options

Q: The shared pool of resources are computed using eDTUs. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Key Capabilities of data lake store gen 1 include which of the following?

  • Built for Hadoop
  • Enterprise ready and highly available
  • Unlimited storage
  • All of the options

Q: Elastic pools scale automatically and provide predictable costs. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Azure Backup and Site recovery together ensures Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.

  • True
  • False

Q: CORS rule in Azure storage is a/an __________ file.

  • Text
  • JSON
  • XML
  • None of the options

Q: In Azure Backup, which type of Vault is recommended for better protection?

  • The backup vault
  • Recovery Services vault
  • Both the options
  • None of the options

Q: Azure Backup offers _______ and _______ type of replication options.

  • LRS and GRS
  • GRS and RA-GRS
  • GRS and ZRS
  • LRS and ZRS

Q: During recovery, we can set the location to original, or change the location. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Apart from the requested user, other users can also access the cached data. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: ______ is needed in the region to backup and recover.

  • Storage account
  • VM
  • Vault
  • Data Disks

Q: Storage Analytics has a _______ limit on the amount of stored data that is independent of the total limit for your storage account.

  • 10 TB
  • 20 TB
  • 5 TB
  • 7 TB

Q: Storage analytics logging is not available for _____.

  • Files
  • Table
  • Queue
  • Blobs

Q: _______ object is used to encapsulate the code that performs certain tasks regularly?

  • Table value function
  • Table
  • View
  • Procedures

Q: The minimum retention time for storage analytics is ______.

  • 1 day
  • 5 days
  • 7 days
  • 10 days

Q: Resource Manager model is recommended by Azure to create storage because it supports _________.

  • Encryption
  • Analytics
  • SAS
  • RBAC

Q: What is the use of Azure Storage analytics?

  • Collect logs data
  • Collect metrics data
  • Collect logs and metrics data
  • None of the options

Q: The aggregated logging data is stored in ________.

  • Queues
  • Tables
  • Files
  • Blobs

Q: The aggregated metric data is stored in ________.

  • Queue
  • Tables
  • Files
  • Blobs

Q: Which of the following is an unsupported workload for Azure backup?

  • Read-only volumes
  • System state
  • Files and Folders
  • Disks

Q: Which is enabled by default while the creation of a storage account?

  • Storage metrics
  • Storage logging
  • Both the options

Q: Which component is not suited for backup of VMs and Application data?

  • Azure Backup server
  • System Centre DPM
  • Azure Backup (MARS) agent
  • Azure Iaas VM backup

Q: In azure, the name of the container should always be in small letters. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Conversion of a VM is irreversible. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Which of the following factor decides the number of data disks that can be attached to a VM in Azure?

  • Image of VM
  • Type of Disks
  • Size of VM
  • All the options

Q: In which of the following models, the independent database Storage and compute can be selected?

  • DTU model
  • Vcore based model
  • Both the options
  • None of the options

Q: A storage account can be converted from Standard storage to Premium storage and vice versa. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Once the VM is converted and restarted, it receives a new IP address. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Which is enabled by default while creating a storage account?

  • Storage metrics
  • Storage logging
  • Both the options

Q: Capacity metrics are only available for _______ storage service.

  • Blobs
  • Files
  • Table
  • Queue

Q: Which of the following is used in grouping a set of blobs?

  • Container
  • Append Blobs
  • Block Blob
  • Page Blobs

Q: What is the default replication schemes for storage account?

  • ZRS
  • GRS
  • RA-GRS
  • LRS

Q: Azure Backup offers _______and _______ type of replication options.

  • GRS and RA-GRS
  • GRS and ZRS
  • LRS and ZRS
  • LRS and GRS

Q: Which component is not suited for backup of VMs and Application data in Azure?

  • Azure Backup server
  • System Centre DPM
  • Azure Backup (MARS) agent
  • Azure Iaas VM backup

Q: We can restrict the request protocol to storage accounts using the SAS. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: In Azure during recovery, we can set the location to original or can be changed. True or False?

  • True
  • False

Q: Which is the tool provided by Microsoft to access Azure Storage?

  • CloudBerry
  • Storage Explorer
  • Cerebrata
  • Redgate

Q: You would like to provide a third party temporary access to an Azure file. Which of these technologies would be best?

  • Backup vault
  • Storage keys
  • File certificate
  • SAS

Q: In Azure, If you choose this redundancy, you cannot convert to another redundancy strategy without creating a new storage account and copying the data to the account.

  • ZRS
  • GRS
  • LRS
  • RA-GRS

Q: In Azure, for premium storage account, we get ______ type of replication.

  • ZRS
  • LRS
  • GRS
  • All the options

Q: In Azure Storage Account a single file cannot be more than ______ in size.

  • 5 TB
  • 15 TB
  • 16 TB
  • 50 TB

Q: Cool storage and archive storage are not supported in ________ storage in Azure?

  • GPv1
  • GPv2
  • Blob

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