Python 3 Programming Quiz

Python 3 Programming Quiz Question Answers

 bytearray provides an mutable sequence, making it modifiable.

  • True (ans)
  • False

Which is the fastest implementation of Python?

  • Jython
  • Cpython
  • Iron Python
  • Pypy (ans)

Which describes bytearrays?

  • Without an argument, an array of size 0 is created; contains a sequence of integers 0-255 (ans)
  • Bytearrays are immutable objects

When using the Python shell and code block, what triggers the interpreter to begin evaluating a block of code?

  • semi colon symbol
  • execute command 
  • colon symbol
  • closed parenthesis
  • blank line  (ans)

Which statement accurately defines the bool class?

  • Bool class is subclass of array class
  • Boolean first returns False then the True value
  • Zero values are considered True always
  • Boolean Not returns False if the operand is True (ans)
  • Zero values are considered True some times.

Using Pop in list will remove the popped up item.

  • True (ans)
  • False

Dictionary could be copied to another dictionary using which of the following syntax?

  • dict_a = dict_b  
  • dict_a=dict_b.copy()  (ans)
  • dict_a = dict_b.clear()
  • dict_a = copy(dict_b)

Which statement creates the bytes literal when run?

  • bytes_literal = b'Copyright \xc2\xa9'  (ans)
  • bytes_literal = bytes.encoded.count(0x54)
  • bytes_literal = bytes(str_literal,'utf-8')  (ans)
  • bytes_literal = bytes.str.count(0x54)

Values in bytearray should be integers between ___________.

  • 0-512
  • 0-63
  • 0-1024
  • 0-255 (ans)

While using slicing in lists, list[0:2] is equivalent to ______.

  • list[:-2]
  • list[0:3] -1
  • list[-2:0]
  • list[:2] (ans)

Which statements prevent the escape sequence interpretation?

  • escape'col\tcol2\tcol3\t'
  • col1\tcol2\tcol3\t
  • r'col\tcol2\tcol3\t'  (ans)
  • subtext'col\tcol2\tcol3\t'

An empty list could be created with the list() alone.

  • True (ans)
  • False

What is the output of min('Infinity')?

  • y
  • I  (ans)
  • 0

Byte datatype can contain only ______ and ______.

  • unicode alone
  • decimal & hexadecimal
  • ascii & hexadecimal characters  (ans)
  • ascii & unicode

Which of the following options could be used in the tuple object?

  • Reverse, Max (ans)
  • Append
  • Sorted, Lens, Max

Which methods can be used with list objects?

  • Reverse , Decode, Lambda
  • Decode , Pop , Clear
  • Lambda , Pop , Clear
  • Reverse , Pop , Clear (ans)
  • Reverse , Decode

_______ class provides an immutable sequence of elements.

  • tuple (ans)
  • bytearray
  • string
  • list
  • byte

Consider b is frozen set, what happens to b.add(3)?

  • 3 will be added as a constant
  • Error as frozen sets cannot be modified (ans)
  • 3 will not be available for other general operations

What characteristics describe the python programming language ?

  • Interpreted and open source (ans)
  • Interpreted and compiled
  • Assembly compiled

Which of the following attributes shows the characteristics of Python?

  • Broad Standard Library 
  • Ubiquity (ans)
  • Powerful interpreter
  • Object Oriented

What is the output of max('Infinity')?

  • I
  • f
  • 0
  • y (ans)
  • 8

Which statement correctly assigns X as an infinite number?

  • x=int('inf')
  • x=infinity
  • x=float('inf')  (ans)
  • X=pos_infinity() 

The two main versions of Python include _________.

  • Python 3.x and 4.x
  • Python 3.x and 5.x
  • Python 2.x and 3.x (ans)
  • Python 3.x and 6.x

The bool class is subset of ______.

  • float
  • long
  • int (ans)
  • char
  • string

Python is ubiquitous. Is this true or false?

  • True (ans)
  • False

Python supports automatic garbage collection.

  • True (ans)
  • False

Code written in Python 3 is backward compatible with Python 2.

  • True
  • False (ans)

The following options are the salient features of Python except ___________.

  • Broad standard library
  • Open source
  • Limited platform support (ans)

Equivalent operation for function pow(x, y) is __________.

  • x ^ y
  • x // y
  • x ** y (ans)
  • x * y

Simple to learn and understand

Which action must be avoided to prevent the previously-defined names from getting overwritten?

  • Import selective objects
  • Import selectively with aliases
  • Using aliases when importing
  • Use the wildcard import (ans)

While using Python IDLE, by how many spaces are the code suites indented?

  • 5
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4 (ans)
  • 1

What command is used to output text from both the Python shell and within a Python module?

  • count_print()
  • count()
  • System.out.println()
  • print() (ans)
  • OutputStream()

While using 'bool', all zero values are considered as false and non- zero values are considered as true. Is the statement true or false?

  • True (ans)
  • False

Is x, y = 5, 6 a valid statement?

  • True (ans)
  • False

What is the output of bool(0)?

  • 1
  • 0
  • Valid
  • False (ans)
  • True

Which datatype is represented by int in Python 3?

  • Short
  • Decimal 
  • Long (ans)
  • float

Which of the following will not yield in declaring x as the datatype of float?

  • x=5 (ans)
  • x=float.fromhex('A')
  • x=int(y)
  • x=float(10)

a.symmetric_difference(b) highlights the ________.

  • a.union(b) - b.intersection(b)
  • a - b
  • a.intersection(b) - a.union(b)  
  • a.union(b) - a.intersection(b) (ans)

a.difference(b) highlights the ________.

  • a.intersection(b) - a.union(b)
  • a.union(b) - a.intersection(b)
  • a.union(b) - b.intersection(b)
  • a - b  (ans)

All of these range types are correct except ______.

  • range(20,40,-2)
  • range(20,20,2)
  • range(20,20,30)
  • range(20,40,'-2') (ans)

Empty dictionary is represented as ________.

  • ()
  • {}  (ans)
  • ({})
  • []

"What is the output of the following code?

for x in range(1,100, 10):

     print (x)"

  • 2-20-200
  • Error 
  • 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 (ans)
  • 2 20 200

What is the output of the following code? count = 0 while count < 2: print (count, " is less than 2") count = count + 2 else: print (count, " is not less than 2")

  • 0 is less than 2; 2 is not less than 2  (ans)
  • 1 is less than 2; 3 is not less than 2
  • 2 is not less than 2
  • Error

"What is the output of the following code? a = 0 if a: print(""""a's value"""") else: print(""""Sorry nothing will get printed"""")"

  • Sorry nothing will get printed (ans)
  • 0
  • Error
  • a's value

What is the output of the following code snippet?

for char in 'Welcome':

    print (char, end='*')


  • Welcome*******
  • Error
  • W*e*l*c*o*m*e* (ans)
  • Welcome*

Which of the given Desktop applications is created using Python?

  • Blender
  • Web Scripting
  • Sametime
  • Dropbox

The default decode option available in the byte data type is ________.

  • utf-8 (ans)
  • ascii
  • utf-16
  • unicode

list[:] output would be printing the __________.

  • Complete list minus first element
  • Complete list minus last element
  • Complete list (ans)

What is the output of the given code?

list_pt = list('Welcome')



  • Welcome
  • ['W', 'e', 'l', 'c', 'o', 'm', 'e']  (ans)
  • ['W', 'e', 'l', 'c', 'o', 'm', 'e']\n
  • ['Welcome']

What is the output for the given code?

a = -10

if a:

  print("a's value")


  print("Sorry nothing will get printed")

  • -10
  • a's value (ans)
  • Sorry nothing will get printed
  • Error 

All of these range types are correct except ___.

  • range(10,20,30)
  • range(20,40,-1.2) (ans)
  • range(10,20,2) 

Which statements will result in slice of tuple?

  • a_tuple[:] a_tuple[::-1]
  • a_tuple[::2] a_tuple[:]
  • a_tuple[::-1] a_tuple[0] =[5]
  • a_tuple[0] =[5] a_tuple[::2]

What is the output of the following code?

for x in (2,20,200)

     print (x)"

  • "2 20 200"
  • 220200
  • 2 20 200
  • error (ans)

In what format does the input function read the user input?

  • Object
  • Boolean
  • Integer
  • String (ans)
  • Array

Generators consume more space in memory than the lists.
  • True
  • False (ans)
What value does 'k' hold after executing the expression, k = [print(i) for i in "maverick" if i not in "aeiou"]?
  • A list of None's (ans)
  • A list of Trues
  • A list of Falses
  • None of the options
What is the default return value of a Python function?
  • None (ans)
  • Return value must be specified explicitly
  • 1
  • -1
The output of the expression itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]) is _______.
  • [6,4,1]
  • [6]
  • [1, 4,6,4,1]
  • [1,4] (ans)
The elements of an iterator can be accessed multiple times.
  • True
  • False (ans)
A generator function can have multiple yield expressions.
  • True (ans)
  • False
Which of the following types of arguments can be passed to a function?
  • Variable number of arguments
  • Default arguments
  • Keyword arguments can be passed after non-keyword arguments
  • Required arguments
  • All the options (ans)
Which of the following are present in a function header?
  • Parameter list
  • Function name
  • Function name and parameter list (ans)
  • Return value must be specified explicitly
What is the return type of function 'id'?
  • float
  • dict
  • int (ans)
  • bool
The output of the expression [ chr(i) for i in [65, 66, 67] ] is _______.
  • ['A', 'B', 'C'] (ans)
  • ['a', 'b', 'c']
  • ('A', 'B', 'C')
  • ('a', 'b', 'c')
The output of expression, k = [print(i) for i in "maverick" if i not in "aeiou"] is _______.
  • Prints all characters that are not vowels (ans)
  • Prints nothing
  • Prints all vowels
  • Prints all characters
The output of the expression { ord(i) for i in 'apple' } is _______.
  • {97, 112, 108, 101} (ans)
  • {'a':97, 'p':112, 'p':112, 'l':108, 'e':101}
  • [97, 112, 112, 108, 101]
  • {97, 112, 112, 108, 101}
The output of the expression {0 if i%2 ==0 else 1 for i in range(8)} is _______.
  • {0, 1}
  • {0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1} (ans)
  • [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
  • [0,1]

Which of the following statement retreives names of all builtin module names?
  • import sys; sys.builtin_module_names (ans)
  • import builtins; builtins.builtins_names
  • import builtins; builtins.module_names
  • import sys; sys.builtins_names
Which of the following is not a way to import the module 'm1' or the functions 'f1' and 'f2' defined in it?
  • from m1 import *
  • import m1
  • from m1 import f1, f2
  • import f1, f2 from m1 (ans)
Any Python Script can act like a Module. State if the statement is True or False?
  • True (ans)
  • False
Which of the following module is not used for parsing command line arguments automatically?
  • optparse
  • getopt
  • argparse
  • cmdparse (ans)
Which of the following methods of 'random' module is used to pick a single element, randomly, from a given list of elements?
  • sample
  • pick
  • choice (ans)
  • choose
Which of the following statement retreives names of all builtin objects?
  • import builtins; builtins.builtins_names
  • import sys; sys.builtins_names
  • import sys; sys.builtins.dict.keys()
  • import builtins; builtins.dict.keys() (ans)
Which of the following expression can be used to check if the file 'C:\Sample.txt' exists and is also a regular file?
  • os.isFile(C:\Sample.txt)
  • os.path.isFile(C:\Sample.txt)
  • os.path.exists(C:\Sample.txt)
  • os.path.isfile(C:\Sample.txt) (ans)
Which of the following modules is used to manage installtion, upgradtion, deletion of other pacakages automatically?
  • repmanage
  • pkgmanage
  • pip (ans)
  • zip
In Python, which of the following files is mandatory to treat a folder as a package?
  • (ans)
Which of the following modules are used to deal with Data compression and archiving?
  • tarfile
  • zlib
  • lzma
  • All of those mentioned (ans)
Which of the following execption occurs, when an undefined object is accessed?
  • NonObjectError
  • NameError
  • VariableError (ans)
  • UndefinedError
Which of the following exception occurs, when a number is divided by zero?
  • NonDivisibleError
  • ArithmeticError
  • ZeroDivisionError (ans)
  • DivisionError
When will the else part of try-except-else be executed?
  • When an exception occurs in to except block
  • When an exception occurs
  • When no exception occurs (ans)
  • Always
How many except statements can a try-except block have?
  • Zero (ans)
  • More than one
  • One
  • More than zero
Which of the following exception occurs, when an integer object is added to a string object?
  • ArithemticError
  • NameError
  • ValueError
  • TypeError
In which of the following scenarios, finally block is executed?
  • Only when there is an exception
  • Always (ans)
  • Only when there is no exception
  • Never