Statistics and Probability Quiz

Statistics and Probability Quiz Question and Answers

The Acronym ANOVA stands for __________.

  • Analysis of Variance and Expected Value
  • Analysis of Variance (ans)
  • Analysis of Variant

Sample Space is denoted by __________.

  • S (ans)
  • s

Central Limit Theorem holds true for __________.

  • Normal Population (ans)
  • Skewed Population
  • All the options
  • None of the options

NumPy package of Python can be used to calculate the mean measure.

  • True (ans)
  • False

__________ provides the summary statistics of data.

  • Descriptive Statistics (ans)
  • Inferential Statistics

Probability of __________ event is zero.

  • Sure
  • Impossible (ans)

Inferential Statistics produces inferences from __________.

  • Populations (ans)
  • Sample
  • All the options

Common Methods in Inferential Statistics are ________________________.

  • Hypothesis Tests
  • Confidence Intervals
  • All the options (ans)

Expected Value is same as Mean and Average.

  • True (ans)
  • False

Central Limit Theorem condition remains true regardless of whether the population is skewed or normal, provided the sample size is sufficiently large. What is the minimum size of sample to hold this condition?

  • 30 (ans)
  • 40
  • 20

Descriptive Statistics works on __________ dataset.

  • Sample (ans)
  • Population
  • All the options

Probability value always lies between __________ and __________.

  • -1,1
  • -infinity,infinity
  • infinity, -infinity
  • 0,1 (ans)

Probability Density Function produces the likelihood of __________ random variable.

  • Continuous
  • Discrete (ans)

__________ maps outcomes of an experiment with numerical values.

  • Probability
  • Random Variables (ans)

An experiment can be repeated __________.

  • Finitely
  • Infinitely (ans)

Individual repetitions of experiment is termed as __________.

  • try
  • trials (ans)
  • flips
  • All the options

__________ denotes the set of all outcomes obtained in an experiment process.

  • Sample
  • Sample Space (ans)
  • Event

The Central Limit Theorem states that as the sample size gets larger, the sampling distribution of the sample means approaches a normal distribution.

  • True (ans)
  • False

PMF produces the likelihood of __________ random variable.

  • Continuous
  • Discrete (ans)

Probability of the sure event is __________.

  • 1 (ans)
  • infinity
  • -infinity
  • 0

__________ is the science of learning from data.

  • Statistics (ans)
  • Probability

Inferential Statistics conclusions are represented in the form of __________.

  • Probability Scores
  • Charts
  • Forms
  • All the options

A Statistical expression of a Continuous random variable, whose integral across an interval gives the probability value that lies within the same interval. Sample Space is a subset of an Event.

  • True
  • False (ans)

The sum of probability of an event and its complementary is __________.

  • 1 (ans)
  • infinity
  • 0

Measures of Spread include(s)

  • Range, Standard Deviation, Variance (ans)
  • Mean and Mode
  • Median and Mode
  • Mean
  • All the options

Probability Density Function produces the likelihood of __________ random variable.

  • Discrete
  • Continuous (ans)

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