Natural Language Processing Quiz

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Quiz Question and Answers

spaCy consists of ____ .

  • entity recognizer
  • parser
  • tagger
  • All of the options

Name the function used to find similarity score in spaCy?

  • similar
  • simil
  • sim
  • similarity

Which function is used to load a model in spaCy?

  • load
  • get_model
  • model
  • load_model

Why does spaCy store strings in hashed form?

  • To save space
  • For less complexity
  • For easier programming
  • For consistency

______ is the displaCy method used to get the HTML representation of the visualization.

  • serve_code
  • rend
  • html
  • render

Name the method that can be used to whip up a server for visualization in spaCy quickly?

  • dep.serve
  • dep.server
  • displacy.server
  • displacy.serve

Name the sub-module of spaCy that must be imported to use visualizers of spaCy.

  • visualspacy
  • displacy
  • dspacy
  • splacy

spaCy is cross-platform. State if the statement is true or false?

  • True
  • False

Spacy cannot do proper NER without the help of models. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

Spacy offers the fastest syntactic parser in the world. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

SpacSpacy’s pre-trained models for NER can be customized. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

displaCy is used to visualize syntactic dependencies. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

displaCy can be used in Jupyter Notebooks. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

A Doc object is a collection of what objects?

  • Token
  • Ents
  • Entity
  • Ent

Token does not have contextual information. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

Token is not a view into a Doc object. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

Slices of a Doc object forms an object of ________ class.

  • Span
  • Token
  • Doc
  • Doc cannot be sliced

Which parameter of serve method in displaCy determines the nature of visualization?

  • type
  • style
  • cust
  • val

Which one of the following options are used to normalize the input data?

  • Lemmatisation
  • POS tagging
  • Tokenisation
  • NER

Name the method that can be used to find the expansion of abbreviations in spaCy.

  • means
  • meaning
  • explain
  • what

Lexeme has no contextual information. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

What is the output of: doc = nlp(“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”) print(doc[2:4])?

  • quick brown
  • brown fox
  • fox over
  • lazy dog

What is the expansion of POS?

  • Post Office Speech
  • Parted Office Speech
  • Part Of Speech
  • Paint Of Speech

Name the attribute of Token which will give the name of its POS tag in string form.

  • pos_
  • pos
  • pos_string
  • pos_str

What is the POS tag for unknown?

  • UNK
  • unknown
  • ?
  • X

Strings are handled internally in their unhashed forms.Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

Doc object does not have any metadata with it. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

To obtain raw HTML for a visualization in displaCy, which parameter must be set to True?

  • raw
  • page
  • raw_html
  • html

Vocab provides lookup tables. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

What is the lemma of Jane?

  • Janes
  • Jane
  • Janing
  • Janer

What size of Hashes are used for strings in spaCy?

  • 30
  • 32
  • 62
  • 64

What is the name of the displacy ent visualisation in style parameter?

  • det
  • dnt
  • ent
  • dpt

What is the lemma of ran?

  • run
  • runs
  • runner
  • running

What is the main advantage of using a centralized string store?

  • Improved performance
  • String store is not centralized
  • Less space
  • Consistency

Indexing in a Span object is character-wise. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

What is the name of the displaCy visualizer?

  • dep
  • dis
  • ent
  • disp

The maximum similarity score is 0. Is the statement true or false?

  • True
  • False

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