Azure Content Delivery Network (Azure CDN)

Accelerate Your Content with Azure content delivery network (CDN) Services: Utilize Azure CDN's closest servers to deliver high-speed, fast-loading content.

What is Caching? Why do we need Azure CDN?

Caching involves storing copies of files in temporary storage locations for quick and easy retrieval. When it comes to content delivery networks (CDNs), caching website files onto a distributed set of servers can help reduce latency for users accessing the website from different parts of the world. For instance, a user in Tokyo trying to access a website hosted in Los Angeles would normally have to wait for the request to travel over 5000 miles to reach the web server, and for the response to cover the same distance, resulting in a slow experience. By using a globally distributed CDN, the website files are cached on servers located around the world, minimizing latency for users accessing the website from different regions. This is why using Azure CDN is essential to deliver content faster and more efficiently to users around the world.

We need to use Azure CDN (Content Delivery Network) for the following reasons:
  • Faster content delivery: Azure CDN helps in delivering content to users more quickly by caching frequently accessed data on CDN servers closer to the end-users.
  • Improved performance: By reducing the round trip time and bandwidth usage between the origin server and end-users, Azure CDN can improve the overall performance of web applications.
  • Increased scalability: With Azure CDN, organizations can easily scale their web applications to a global audience by caching content on CDN servers located in various regions.
  • Cost savings: By reducing bandwidth usage and server load, Azure CDN can help organizations save on costs associated with serving content to end-users.
  • Better user experience: By delivering content faster and more efficiently, Azure CDN can help improve the user experience and satisfaction.
In Azure, you can choose the following content delivery network (CDN) services:
  • Verizon
  • Akamai,
  • Microsoft Azure CDN

Other trusted content delivery network (CDN) service providers are:

  • Cloudflare CDN
  • Amazon CloudFront
  • Google Cloud CDN
  • MaxCDN
  • CacheFly
  • KeyCDN
  • StackPath