Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing: A Complete Guide

Begin Your Cloud Computing Journey with Microsoft Azure Cloud

Microsoft Azure has made it easy to build, deploy, test, release, monitor and access applications using its cloud platform. Azure cloud platform has been designed from the ground up to be developer friendly. It offers an intuitive interface and powerful tools to help developers build better apps faster.

Follow the complete road map guide to become an Azure Cloud Engineer or Cloud Developer or Cloud Solution Architect. To begin your Cloud journey start with Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing Deployment Models, Cloud Service Models and Cloud Services and then find the below mentioned topics and go through them thoroughly.
  • Azure Identity and Access Management
  • Azure AD Services like App Registrations, Enterprise Applications, SSO,...,etc.
  • Azure Storage
  • Azure Virtual Network
  • Azure Virtual Machines
  • Azure App Services
  • Azure Containers
  • Azure Databases
  • Azure Data Lake Storage

Advanced Topics:

Learn Azure DevOps, Integration of Git and GitHub, PowerShell Scripting, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, JSON, Yaml,...,etc.

What is Cloud?

The cloud refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet along with the software and databases that run on those servers. Cloud servers are located in data centres all over the world. By using the cloud users and companies don't have to manage physical servers themselves or run software applications on their own machines.

The cloud enables users to access the same files and applications from almost any device because the computing and storage takes place on servers in a remote data centre. Instead of on a user's device, for example, Gmail stores emails and attachments in Google Drive cloud storage, allowing users to access their email and files via any Internet connected device.

What is Cloud in Simple Terms?

Cloud is a kind of service that which provides services over the internet or network to connect app which is on remote location.

What is Cloud Computing?

The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer. Cloud Computing  allows users to create, configure and customize applications online. Cloud Computing offers infrastructure, data storage, applications, networking, security, identity, web, access management, integrations, serverless computing, media services, ai services, ml services,..etc.

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

This Cloud Model is composed of:
  • Five Essential Characteristic
  • Three Service Models
  • Four Deployment Models

What exactly is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is it resources that can be accessed easily over the Internet instead of buying, owning and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can access cloud services such as computing power, hosting, storage and databases on a pay as you go basis. Who is using this technology? You might ask organizations of every type, size and industry are using the cloud for a wide variety of purposes. These purposes include services such as data backup, disaster recovery, email software, big data analytics, and website applications.

Quick example healthcare companies are using the cloud to develop more personalized treatments for patients. Financial services are using the cloud to power real time fraud detection. Whether its Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Google, cloud platform, Alibaba Cloud, IBM or Oracle Cyber by uses them all to build scale and help you grow your business online.

What is Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud is a cloud deployment model that leverages 2 or more types of cloud environments. A hybrid cloud usually combines a public cloud with either a private cloud on premises, infrastructure, or both.

An example of a hybrid cloud deployment would be combining the gekk public cloud with the Microsoft Azure Private Cloud so that they essentially function as one combined infrastructure similar to a hybrid car that combines electric and gas power. Hybrid clouds combine the benefits of multiple types of technology for better efficiency, functionality, and price.

What are Cloud Deployment Models?

Cloud deployment models defines the type of access to the cloud. The following are the cloud deployments that can be used in Microsoft Azure.

Public Cloud - Public clouds is owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider you can access their computing services like servers and storage over the internet using a web browser. Public Cloud may be less secure because of it's openness.

  • Examples of Public Cloud Providers: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, IBM Cloud, Oracle Cloud

Private Cloud - A private cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network by the company itself in their data center. Private Cloud is more secure because of it's private nature.

  • Examples of Private Cloud Providers: AWS, Microsoft Azure, HPE, Alibaba Cloud, Oracle Cloud, VMWare, OpenShift,..,etc.

Hybrid Cloud - Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds that allows data and applications to be shared between them and for flexibility.

  • Examples of Hybrid Cloud Models: AWS and VMWare, Microsoft  Azure and VMWare

Community Cloud - Community Cloud allows systems and services to be accessible by group of organizations.

Multi Cloud - Multi cloud is the use of multiple cloud computing services in a single heterogeneous architecture to reduce reliability on single vendor.

  • Examples of Multi Cloud Models: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft  Azure, VMWare, Google Cloud (GCP), Oracle Cloud

HPC Cloud - HPC cloud refers to the use of cloud computing services and infrastructure to execute high-performance computing (HPC) applications.

  • Examples of HPC Cloud Providers: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft  Azure, Google Cloud (GCP), Univa, Penguin Computing

What is Azure?

Azure is a cloud computing platform from Microsoft Cloud with adept services to build, deploy, manage, monitor and to secure low, medium and high-volume applications through Microsoft managed data centers with wide range of cloud services like computing, networking, monitoring, securing, managing,...,etc. 

Azure Full Form: Auroral Zone Upwelling Release Experiment.

When did Microsoft release Cloud Computing?

Microsoft released cloud computing in 2010. Microsoft's cloud computing service, Azure, is a comprehensive set of cloud services that enable organizations to quickly create, deploy, and manage applications and services through a global network of data centers.

Since then, cloud computing has become increasingly popular, transforming the way businesses and individuals store and access data. Microsoft has continued to innovate in the cloud, introducing features such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Big Data.

How do cloud computing services like aws, google, and microsoft help start up businesses?

Now, cloud computing is used in many industries, from healthcare to finance, to power the digital transformation of businesses and organizations. Microsoft Azure remains a leader in the cloud computing space, delivering secure and reliable services that help organizations become more agile and efficient.

Microsoft Azure had a market share of 23% at the end of 2022 and maintained that share after Q1 2023.

Compare Azure VM Cost, AWS VM Cost and GCP VM Cost:

Compare Virtual Machines Monthly Cost of Leading Cloud Platforms.

Configuration: 1 vCPU/1 GB Memory/25 GB Storage /1 TB Bandwidth
Configuration Cost: AWS ($8.50), Azure ($7.59), GCP($6.11), Digital Ocean ($5)

Configuration: 2 vCPU/2 GB Memory/60 GB Storage/3 TB Bandwidth
Configuration Cost: AWS ($15.23), Azure ($15.11), GCP($12), Digital Ocean ($15)

Configuration: 4 vCPU/8 GB Memory/160 GB Storage/5 TB Bandwidth
Configuration Cost: AWS ($60.91), Azure ($60.74), GCP($111), Digital Ocean ($40)

Configuration: 8 vCPU/16 GB Memory/320 GB Storage/6 TB Bandwidth
Configuration Cost: AWS ($121.81), Azure ($121.18), GCP($221), Digital Ocean ($80)

Cloud Security:

Cloud computing security is the usage of broad set of policies, technologies, controls and strategies to protect your organization's cloud infrastructure resources. It is a sub-domain of computer security, network security, and, more broadly, information security.

Security concerns associated with cloud computing are typically categorized in two ways:

  • Security issues faced by cloud providers (organizations providing software-, platform-, or infrastructure-as-a-service via the cloud) 
  • Security issues faced by their customers, i.e companies or organizations who host applications or store data on the cloud.

The responsibility is usually shared and it is called "shared cloud responsibility model".

  • Encryption - The process of encoding data to prevent theft by ensuring the data can only be accessed with a key.
  • Breach - It is when hacker successfully exploits a vulnerability in a computer or device, and gains access to its files and network.
  • Firewall - A defensive technology designed to be secure from threats. Firewalls can be hardware or software based.
  • Malware - General term that describes all forms of malicious software designed to attack a computer. Examples are viruses, trojans, worms and ransomware.
  • Ransomware - A form of malware that prevents you from accessing files on your computer by encrypting files and asks for a ransom/money to decrypt files.
  • Spyware - A type of malware that functions by spying on user activity without their knowledge.
  • DDoS - It is distributed denial of service which is a form of cyber attack.
  • Phishing - A technique used by hackers to obtain sensitive information. Example - Fake emails from colleagues or executives.

Cloud Infrastructure Components:

Cloud infrastructure consists of servers, storage, network, management software, deployment software and platform virtualization.

Compute Virtualization and Scalability:

You need a trusted cloud that supports your business priorities, your requirements, and your applications, including the applications you create running on Windows or your favourite Linux distribution and developed using the stacks and tools you love. Walmart, GE, Adobe, Coca-Cola, Daimler, and thousands of others run their applications in Azure and you can too with Microsoft Azure. To be scalable and offer the most powerful option ever choice is to take advantage of azure capabilities.
  • Azure virtual machines engineered for every workload.
  • Create thousands of virtual machines in minutes with virtual machine scale sets. 
  • Use specialised infrastructure for SAP. 
  • Hannah made a VMWare environment for your high performance computing challenges.
  • Easy access to thousands of pre-built applications in the Azure marketplace. 

How much will all this cost a lot less than you think?

Azure offers several ways to save you money and optimise your cloud. 
  • Embrace the most cost effective cloud to run Windows Server and SQL Server and management is simplified with native tools to govern the full lifecycle of your compute resources. 
  • Operate hybrid seamlessly on premise across multiple clouds, and at the edge will meet you where you are. 

Azure offers the most comprehensive set of compliance offerings

With security from the ground up, backed by a team of experts, you own your data and you can encrypt it while in use with Azure confidential computing. Build your next generation applications. Tackle the toughest problems with Azure and achieve more today.

What are the capabilities and potential uses of Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform?

  • Build Better Apps Faster with Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform
  • Accelerate Your App Development with Microsoft Azure's Developer-Friendly Cloud Platform.

Azure Cloud Computing Resources:

Free Azure Cloud Computing E-Books:

Benefits of Microsoft Azure Cloud:

Azure is Microsoft's cloud platform, similar to Google Cloud by Google and Amazon Web Services (AWS) by Amazon. Azure offers a platform to use Microsoft's resources without the need to invest in physical infrastructure such as huge servers, physical space, and effort. Microsoft Azure provides users with virtual machines, fast data processing, monitoring and analytical tools, simplifying work processes. The pricing structure of Azure is also cost-effective and straightforward, known as "Pay As You Go" pricing where users only pay for the amount they use.

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and service that offers a wide range of benefits to businesses and organizations of all sizes. Azure enables users to build, deploy, and manage applications and services in a flexible and secure cloud environment. With its robust infrastructure, powerful tools, and vast range of services, Microsoft Azure has become a popular choice for organizations looking to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing. From reducing IT costs to increasing scalability, Azure offers a range of benefits that can help businesses streamline their operations and achieve their goals.

1. Scalability: One of the top benefits of Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform is its scalability. It allows businesses to scale up or down their resources as needed, so they only pay for what they use.

2. Security: Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform provides robust security features such as network security, encryption, and identity management. These features help to ensure the protection of data and applications.

3. Cost-Effective: With Azure, businesses only pay for the services they use, reducing infrastructure and maintenance costs. Also, Azure offers various pricing models, such as pay-as-you-go, which helps businesses manage costs effectively.

4. High Availability: Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform provides high availability and reliability through its global network of data centers. This ensures that businesses' applications are always available, even in the event of a disaster.

5. Flexibility: Azure allows businesses to choose from a wide range of programming languages, tools, and frameworks to develop and deploy applications. This flexibility enables businesses to tailor their cloud services to their specific needs.

6. Disaster recovery and backup: With Azure, you can ensure that your business-critical data and applications are protected from any disasters. Azure provides various options for disaster recovery and backup to ensure business continuity.

7. Integration with other Microsoft tools: Azure integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft tools such as Office 365, SharePoint, and Dynamics 365. This integration helps in enhancing productivity and efficiency.

8. Hybrid Cloud: Azure allows you to seamlessly integrate your on-premise data center with the cloud, which makes it easy to migrate applications to the cloud.

9. Global Presence: Azure has a global presence with data centers located in various regions around the world, which makes it easy to deploy your application closer to your customers.

10. Machine Learning: Azure offers machine learning services that help you build predictive models, which can help you make better business decisions.

11. DevOps: Azure provides integrated DevOps services, which makes it easy to manage your application lifecycle.

12. IoT: Azure provides IoT services that help you connect, monitor, and manage your IoT devices.

13. Analytics: Azure offers analytics services that help you gain insights from your data.

14. AI: Azure offers AI services that help you build intelligent applications.

15. Compliance: Azure is compliant with various industry regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS.

16. Open Source: Azure supports various open-source technologies, including Linux, Java, Python, Node.js and a lot more widely used technologies.

17. Support: Azure offers comprehensive support services, including 24/7 technical support, community support, and documentation.