Continuous Integration with Jenkins Quiz

Check out this Continuous Integration with Jenkins Quiz MCQs and test your knowledge of CI/CD. This quiz is a quick and easy way to see how much you know about CI/CD.

Continuous Integration with Jenkins Question and Answers

Q: Jabber is a ___________ plugin

  • Build plugin
  • Deployment plugin
  • Messaging plugin

Q: Project type supported by Jenkins is/are:

  • External
  • Multi-Configuration
  • Free-style
  • All of the options

Q: Jenkins is a/an ______________ that can accelerate software development process.

  • open source automation server
  • free source automation server

Q: Jenkins allows you to parse the code with tools like _______.

  • Findbugs
  • CheckStyle
  • Both the options

Q: Which of the following statement is true about Jenkins?

  • Jenkins supports plugins to showcase both metrics and trends
  • Jenkins supports plugins to depict trends only
  • Jenkins supports plugins to report metrics only
  • None of the options

Q: Users can now implement the entire build, deploy and test using _________.

  • Deploy Plugin
  • Build flow plugin
  • Pipeline Plugin
  • All of the options

Q: Which one of the following functionality is not supported by Jenkins?

  • Build
  • Test
  • Deploy
  • Code

Q: Record of multiple builds is displayed using a ______________.

  • Weather icon
  • Colored ball and Weather icon
  • Colored ball
  • None of the options

Q: ‘Copy artifacts’ is an option that is available for selection under the ___________.

  • Build Triggers
  • Post-Build Actions
  • Build Environment
  • Build Step

Q: ‘Archiving the artifacts’ is an option that is present for selection under the _________.

  • Job notifications
  • Build Triggers
  • Build Step
  • Post-Build actions

Q: Backups can be automated using ______________.

  • Backup Plugin
  • ThinBackup plugin
  • Backup Manager
  • None of the options

Q: Jenkins allows you to parse the code with tools like _______.

  • Findbugs
  • PMD
  • Both the options

Q: Jenkins can manage dependencies using ____________.

  • Distributed Build
  • File Fingerprinting
  • Build Configuration
  • None of the options

Q: Which of the following statement is correct about the build status images?

  • ‘Partial Sun with clouds’ icon in the status means all of the recent builds have failed
  • ‘Partial Sun with clouds’ icon in the build status means 40-60% of the recent builds have failed
  • ‘Partial Sun with clouds’ icon in the status means 60-80% of the recent builds have failed
  • ‘Partial Sun with clouds’ icon in the status means 20-40% of the recent builds have failed

Q: If you have multiple projects, and if you need to check for new updates, every five minutes, which is the correct CRON expression that Jenkins can use to avoid polling of all the projects at the same time.

  • */5 * * * *
  • H/5 * * * *
  • 5 * * * *
  • None of the options

Q: A build can be triggered ______________.

  • At a specific time
  • By source code management commits
  • After completion of other builds
  • Manual Build Requests
  • All of the options

Q: Jenkins build job cannot be triggered manually.

  • True
  • False

Q: Functional testing can be automated using Jenkins.

  • True
  • False

Q: After you configure backup settings using the backup plugin, backup jobs will run automatically and start taking backups at the prescribed interval.

  • True
  • False

Q: User security in Jenkins can be defined using :

  • Matrix based security
  • Project based matrix authorization
  • Both matrix and project based authorization
  • None of the options

Q: Master and slave nodes communicate through __________.

  • separate socket connection
  • DCOM
  • Both the options

Q: Jenkins supports ______________.

  • 100+ community contributed plugins
  • 900+ community contributed plugins
  • 600+ community contributed plugins
  • 1000+ community contributed plugins

Q: Number of concurrent job executions can be mentioned in the ______________ is a continuous integration tool.

  • Build Triggers Section
  • Configure System
  • Project Configuration Section

Q: File usage across Jenkins jobs can be tracked using ____________.

  • Fingerprints
  • Plugins
  • Distributed build
  • All of the options

Q: Which architecture is prescribed for a scalable Jenkins environment?

  • Distributed Builds
  • Manual Polling
  • Automatic Builds
  • Central Master

Q: Job status notifications can be sent in JSON or XML formats from Jenkins without extending its functionality.

  • True
  • False

Q: An amber ball in the build status refers to an unstable build. Choose the correct option

  • True
  • False

Q: Jenkins can be configured for monitoring external jobs such as CRON jobs:

  • Select the ‘Monitor External job’ option under ‘Post Build Actions’ section
  • Select the ‘External’ project type
  • Select the ‘Monitor External job’ option under ‘Build Triggers’ section
  • Select the ‘Monitor External job’ option under ‘Build Step’ section

Q: ______________ is a continuous integration tool.

  • Ansible
  • Teamcity
  • Nexus
  • Maven

Q: In a distributed environment, reporting can be performed using _________.

  • Master Node
  • Slave Node
  • both slave and master node

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